Sungai Cimanuk Mengering (Cimanuk River Dries Up)
Source: Pikiran Rakyat
BELASAN anak memanfaatkan surutnya debit air Sungai Cimanuk di sekitar daerah perbatasan Desa Haurpanggung, Kec. Tarogong Kidul dengan Kel. Sukamentri Kec. Garut Kota, Kab. Garut, Selasa (13/7) sore. Sungai Cimanuk terlihat surut sejak datangnya musim kemarau yang melanda Kab. Garut sebulan ini.*DENI YUDIAWAN/"PR"
(BELASAN: Children make use of subsided Cimanuk river water capacity around the Haurpanggung area of the border of the Village, Kec.Tarogong Kidul with Kel. Sukamentri Kec. Garut the City, Kab. Garut, on Tuesday afternoon (13/7).
The Cimanuk river has subsided since the arrival of the dry season that struck Kab. Garut this month)
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