Thursday, August 12, 2004

Sawah Kering (Dry Paddy-Fields)

Source: Pikiran Rakyat

MUSIM kemarau mulai berdampak pada pertanian, seperti terlihat di Cimaragas Ciamis. Beberapa area persawahan di sana mulai dilanda kekeringan akibat hujan sudah lama tidak turun, sehingga tanaman padi yang masih muda ini terancam mati karena kekurangan air. Foto diambil Sabtu (7/8).*UNDANG SUDRAJAT/'PR'

English Translation

The DRY SEASON began to have an impact in agriculture, as being seen in Cimaragas Ciamis. Several areas of rice cultivation there began to be stricken by the drought as a result of rain for a long time had not descended, so as the rice crop that still was young this was threatened with dying because of the lack of the water.
The photograph was taken on Saturday (7/8). UNDANG SUDRAJAT/PR