Cirata Menyusut (Cirata Reservoir Shrinking)
Source: Pikiran Rakyat
MUSIM kemarau yang berlangsung dalam beberapa bulan terakhir menyebabkan permukaan air di waduk Cirata terus menyusut sampai beberapa meter dari batas permukaan air normal. Penyusutan air tersebut juga terlihat dari deretan perahu yang posisinya semakin menjauh, Rabu (1/9).* ANTON RAMADHAN/"PR"
English Translation
The DRY SEASON that took place in several last months caused the surface of the water in the Cirata reservoir to continue to shrink to several metre from the normal limit of the surface of the water. This contraction of the water also was seen from the row of the boat that his position increasingly moved further away, on Wednesday (1/9).Anton Ramadhan/PR
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