Ketersediaan Air PAM di Jabar Kritis. (Water crisis in West Java)
Source: Koran Tempo
Ketua Dewan Pimpinan Daerah Persatuan PDAM Seluruh Indonesia Jawa Barat Idi Suryadi mengungkapkan, ketersediaan debit air bersih di kantong-kantong air milik PAM di sejumlah kabupaten dan kota di Jawa Barat saai ini dalam kondisi krisis. Idi memprediksi, puncak krisis air bersih di Jawa Barat akan terjadi Oktober mendatang. Jika bulan Oktober hujan belum turun, kondisi air bersih akan semakin langka. Musim kemarau sekarang menyebabkan keberadaan air di permukaan kantong air menyusut karena penggundulan hutan dan menjamurnya perusahan galian.
English Translation
The chairman of the Board Of Directors of the Area of the Association PDAM All Indonesia West Java Idi Suryadi revealed, the clean availability of the water debit in Pam's pockets of the property water in several regencies and the city in West Java saai this in the condition for the crisis. Idi predicted, the clean summit of the water crisis in West Java will happen this coming October. If in October rain did not yet descend, the clean condition for the water will be increasingly rare. The current dry season caused the existence of the water in the surface of the pocket of the water to shrink because of denudation of the forest and to mushroom him perusahan galian
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