Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Mengantre Air

Source: Pikiran Rakyat

WALAUPUN hujan sempat mengguyur wilayah Bandung dan sekitarnya beberapa hari lalu, masyarakat Kp. Pasirmalang, Desa Jelegong, Kec. Soreang, Kab. Bandung tetap harus mengantre air karena sumurnya kering dalam dua bulan ini. Kucuran air bersih ini mereka dapatkan dari sebuah pabrik onderdil sepeda motor di sekitar permukiman penduduk yang memberikannya secara cuma-cuma.*DENI YUDIAWAN/'PR'"

English Translation

ALTHOUGH rain could splash the Bandung territory and surrounding area several previous days, the Kp community. Pasirmalang, the Jelegong Village, Kec. Soreang, Kab. Bandung continue to have to mengantre the water because of his well was dry in two months. Kucuran of this clean water was obtained by them from a factory of motorcycle spare parts around the settlement of the inhabitants that gave him free of charge.