Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Air PAM Tidak Mengalir, Warga Kesulitan Air Bersih. (Water not flowing, citizens clean water difficulty - Indramayu)

Source: Pelita

Petugas PDAM Tirta Darma Indramayu menginformasikan bahwa gangguan perndistribusian air bersih di wilayah Desa Berondong disebabkan adanya perbaikan jaringan distribusi di wilayah tersbut. Hal tersebut mengakibatkan puluhan pelanggan PDAM di Indramayu dilaporkan mengalami kesulitan air bersih karena air PAM yang tidak mengalir. Dirut Tirta Darma Ayu PDAM Indramayu Suyamto mengakui kondisi kemarau mengakibatkan pelayanan PDAM tidak bisa optimal dan sangat terkait dengan ketersediaan jaminan air baku PDAM. Air baku PDAM mengandalkan aliran air Sungai Cimanuk dan beberapa sumber air baku lain.

English Translation

The official PDAM Indramayu Service Water informed that the disturbance perndistribusian the clean water in the territory of the fusillade Village was caused by the existence of the improvement of the network of the distribution in the territory tersbut. This matter resulted in dozens of PDAM customers in Indramayu being reported experienced the clean water difficulty because of Pam's water that did not pour. The Beautiful PDAM Indramayu Suyamto managing director of Service Water admitted the dry condition resulted in the PDAM service could not be optimal and very related with the standard availability of the water guarantee PDAM. the standard PDAM Water relied on the Cimanuk river water current and several standard sources of the water other.