Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Badan Pengelola Air Dibentuk.(Water Management Body to be formed.)

Source: Bisnis Indonesia

Dirjen Tata Perkotaan dan Perdesaan Depkimpraswil mengatakan, Pemerintah akan membentuk Badan Pengelola Air Bersih untuk mengetur sistem tata niaga air bersih nasional dan menyehatkan PDAM. Badan regulasi itu nantinya berfungsi mengatur pengelolaan air bersih dan menetapkan tarif air untuk Perusahaan Air Minum (PDAM). Dia menuturkan, badan regulator itu akan merekrut anggota badan dari wakil-wakil konsumen, pemerintah yang terkait dengan air minum, seperti Dep.Kimpraswil, Dinas PU, Kesehatan, Lingkungan hidup. Ditegaskan, pembentukannya masih menunggu pemerintahan baru.

English Translation

The director general and Depkimpraswil rural areas of the urban Order said, the Government will form the Clean Body of the Water Manager to mengetur the clean system of water business administration national and healthy PDAM. the regulation Body eventually will have a function of arranging the clean water management and maintaining the water tariff for the Drinking Water Company (PDAM). He said, the regulator's body will recruit the body member from representatives of the consumer, the related government with the drinking water, like Shelve. Kimpraswil, the PU Service, the Health, the Environment. Stressed, his formation still was waiting for the new government.