Kapasitas Pintu Air Manggarai Lebihi Ambang Batas. (Lock capacity Manggarai exceeded).
Source: Republika
Pimpro Pengendalian Banjir dan Pengamanan Pantai Proyek Induk Pengembangan Wilayah Sungai Ciliwung Cisadane (PBPP-PIPWSCC) Bambang Sutjipto mengungkapkan kapasitas Pintu Air Manggarai sudah melebihi ambang batas. Sejak dibangun pemerintah Hindia Belanda, pintu air ini hanya diproyeksikan menangani debit air hingga 340 m3 per detik. Tapi, saat ini debit airnya mencapai 550 m3 per detik. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut pihaknya mengusulkan menambah dua pintu (lubang) di pintu air tersebut. Desain pembangunan fisik penambahan dua pintu air tersebut sudah selesai dibuat.
English Translation
Pimpro the Control and the Security of the Coast of the Project of the Mother of the Development of the River Territory of the Flood Ciliwung Cisadane (PBPP-PIPWSCC) Bambang Sutjipto said the Manggarai Lock capacity has exceeded the threshold. Since being built by the Dutch East Indies government, this lock only was projected handled the water debit through to 340 m3 per the second. But, at this time his water debit reached 550 m3 per the second. To overcome this problem of his team proposed increased two doors (the hole) in this lock. The physical design of the development of the increase in two locks has been finished was made.
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