Operator Air Bersih Kekurangan Pasokan Air Baku. (Lack of water supply to the clean water operator.)
Source: Koran Tempo
Direktur hubungan institusional PT. Palyja Kumala Siregar mengungkapkan, dalam kontrak yang dibuat dengan Perum Jasa Tirta (PJT) 2, debit pasokan air baku yang diterima Palyja seharusnya 6,2 meter kubik perdetik. Namun, pihak PJT 2 pada 2003/2004 rata-rata hanya bisa memasok 5,2 meter kubik per detik. Kekurangan air baku ini menyebabkan operator air harus mengeluarkan biaya operasional yang lebih tinggi untuk membeli bahan-bahan kimia untuk menjernihkan air. Ia berharap pihak-pihak terkait bisa menangani permasalahan air baku di Tarum Barat. Jika tidak, Jakarta akan benar-benar mengalami kekeringan.
English Translation
The institutional director of relations PT. Palyja the Siregar magic stone revealed, in the contract that was made with the Sounding Lead of the Water Service (PJT) 2, the standard debit of water supplies that was received by Palyja necessarily 6,2 cubic metre perdetik. However, the PJT team 2 to 2003/2004 in general only could supply 5,2 cubic metre per the second. This standard lack of the water caused the water operator to have to spend the operational cost that higher to buy chemicals to clear up the water. He hoped related teams could handle the standard problem of the water in Tarum West. If not, Jakarta really will experience the drought.
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