Pembuatan Waduk Karian Upaya Penyediaan Air Jangka Panjang. (Long-term efforts for the provision of water from Karian Reservoir.)
Source: Pelita
Ir. Zainuddin ME dari Balai Keamanan Bandungan, Dirjen Sumber Daya Air Depkimpraswil mengatakan, membangun bendungan tidak hanya memperhatikan aspek lingkungan, ekonomi, dan sosialnya namun juga aspek keamanan. Menurut Sekretaris Daerah Banten Drs. H. Chaeron Muchsin, tanpa adanya tampungan yang berarti permasalahan ketersediaan air khususnya di Banten akan semakin mengkhawatirkan. Menurutnya, bila sudah dibangun Waduk Karian maka kebutuhan akan air baik untuk rumah tangga, perkotaan, dan industri di wilayah Serang, Tangerang, dan DKI Jakarta sampai dengan tahun 2005 dapat terpenuhi. Sehingga kondisi kebutuhan air irigasi, dapat mengatasi masalah kekeringan sekitar lima tahun.
English Translation
Ir. Zainuddin ME from the Bandungan Security Hall, the Depkimpraswil Director General of Water resources said, built the dam only did not pay attention to the aspect of the environment, economics, and social him but also the aspect of the security. According to the Secretary of the Area of Banten Drs. H. Chaeron Muchsin, without the existence of the significant capacitance of the problem of the availability of the water especially in Banten will be increasingly worrying.
According to him, when being built the Karian Reservoir then the requirement would the good water for the household, urban areas, and the industry in the Serang territory, Tangerang, and the Special Capital District of Jakarta up to 2005 could be fulfilled. So as the condition for the requirement for the irrigation water, could overcome the problem of the drought around five years.
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