Saturday, October 30, 2004

Proyek Penyediaan Air Bersih di Cianjur Sarat dengan KKN (KKN in clean water project for Cianjur Sarat)

Source: Sinar Harapan

Ketua Follic Cianjur mengungkapkan, proyek penyediaan air bersih pedesaan yang dilaksanakan di 4 desa di wilayah Kec. Bojongpicung, Cianjur diduga tidak melalui proses lelang dan dalam pelaksanaannya diduga banyak melanggar ketentuan. Dijelaskan, diantara 4 proyek misalnya pekerjaan instalasi jaringan pipa air di Desa Haurwangi yang diduga direkayasa untuk paket pekerjaan sumur dalam. Hasil penelitian menunjukan pemasangan jaringan pipa itu memotong saluran di atas DAS yang sangat mengganggu aliran sungai yang pada akhirnya rentan dengan kerusakan.

English Translation

The chairman Follic Cianjur revealed, the clean project of the provisions of the water rural areas that was carried out in 4 villages in the Kec territory. Bojongpicung, Cianjur was expected not through the process of the auction and in his implementation was expected often violated the provisions. Explained, around 4 projects for example the work of the installation of the network of the water pipe in the Haurwangi Village that it was suspected was engineered for the package of the work of the well in. Results of the research menunjukan the fitting of the network of the pipe cut off the channel on the BANG that very annoying the river current that in the long run was susceptible to damage.