Tahun 2007, Ibu Kota Defisit Air Baku. (Water deficit in capital by 2007)
Source: Republika
Direktur Hubungan Institusional PT PAM Lyonnaise Jaya, Kumala Siregar mengatakan jika Pemerintah tidak segera mengambil tindakan pengamanan dan konservasi terhadap suplai air, diperkirakan Ibu Kota akan mengalami defisit air baku pada tahun 2007. Kumala menyebut tindakan yang harus dilakukan adalah pengamanan terhadap sumber air, inventarisasi kebutuhan, dan mencari sumber air baru. Pengamanan ini penting dilakukan karena selama ini pasokan air ke Ibu Kota dibawah perjanjian kontrak dengan pihak Jati Luhur (PJT 2).
English Translation
Hubungan Institusional PT Director Pam Lyonnaise Jaya, the Siregar magic stone said if the Government immediately did not take the security action and conservation on the supply of the water, it was estimated the Capital will experience the standard water deficit during 2007. The magic stone mentioned the action that must be carried out was the security towards the source of the water, requirement stocktaking, and looked for the new source of the water.
This security was important was done because uptil now water supplies to the Capital were supervised by the contract agreement with the Lofty Teak team (PJT 2).
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