Thursday, November 11, 2004

Krisis Air Bersih di Balikpapan Semakin Parah. (Serious increase in Clean Water crisis, Balikpapan)

Source: Kompas

Krisis air bersih di Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur akibat keringnya sumber air baku perusahaan air minum setempat semakin parah. Saat ini tinggal 25% saja dari pelanggan perusahaan air minum yang bisa dilayani, itupun dengan sistem giliran. Direktur Teknik Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum Balikpapan Suhaedi mengatakan akibat keringnya air di Bendungan Manggar, sekitar 75% pelanggan air minum di kota pengolah minyak ini tidak mendapatkan air bersih lagi. Dari pantauan di Bendungan Manggar, hampir sebagian besar dasar waduk sudah tidak berisi air. Jikapun ada hanya tinggal kubangan-kubangan disejumlah tempat didasar waduk. Keringnya waduk seluas 408 Ha tersebut akibat kemarau sekitar 6 bulan terakhir. Daerah tangkapan air disekitar danau seluas 5000 Ha tidak cukup mampu menampung air untuk kebutuhan selama kemarau.

English Translation

The clean water crisis in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan resulting from dry him the standard source of water the local drinking water company increasingly serious. At this time remained 25% from the customer of the drinking water company who could be served, that too with the turn system. Director Teknik Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum Balikpapan Suhaedi said resulting from dry him water in the Manggar Dam, around 75% the drinking water customer in this city of the oil processor did not get water again clean. From observation in the Manggar Dam, almost most foundations of the reservoir already did not contain water. Jikapun was only remained kubangan-kubangan disejumlah the place was displayed the reservoir. Dry him the reservoir measuring 408 Ha this resulting from dry around the last 6 months. The area of the arrest of water around the lake measuring 5000 Ha was not enough to be able to accommodate water for the requirement during dry.