Thursday, November 11, 2004

Krisis Air Bersih Ganggu Aktivitas Warga Sultra. (Clean Water crisis in South-East Sulawesi)

Source: Sinar harapan

Gubernue Sulawesi Tenggrara Ali Mazi memanggil Bupati Konawe Lukman Abunawas guna mencari solusi mengatasi kesulitan air bersih bagi ribuan warga. Ribuan warga tidak bisa beraktifitas secara maksimal. Sejumlah mata air yang selama ini menjadi sumber air bersih mengalami kekeringan. Gubernur meminta agar tidak membiarkan masalah berlarut-larut, sebab tanpa air bukan hanya manusia yang kerepotan tetapi seluruh kehidupan ikut terganggu.

English Translation

Gubernue Sulawesi Tenggrara Ali Mazi called the Konawe Lukman Abunawas Regent in order to looks for the solution overcame the clean water difficulty for thousands of citizens. Thousands of citizens could not beraktifitas maximally. Several springs that uptil now became the clean source of water experienced the drought. The governor ask for in order to not leave the problem protracted, because without water not only humankind that the bustle but all the life took part in being disrupted.