Melibatkan Swasta Bukan Solusi Pembenahan PDAM. (Involving Private Enterprise Not The Solution To Fix PDAM)
Source: Investor Daily
Ketua Umum Perpamsi Ridwan SM mengatakan usaha untuk melibatkan swasta itu upaya yang bagus tapi itu bukanlah hal yang mudah. Pada dasarnya PDAM tidak menolak keinginan swasta untuk berpartisipasi, selama memiliki komitmen dalam usaha pemenuhan kebutuhan air minum dan tidak semata- mata untuk kepentingan bisnis. Masuknya swasta bisa mengakibatkan biaya operasional semakin tinggi yang nantinya di masukkan dalam komponen perhitungan tarif. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut Pemerintah Pusat harus melihat permasalahan lebih luas dan membahasnya secara komprehensif. Pemerintah pusat harus memberikan dukungan dalam hal ini masalah pendanaan yang dibutuhkan.
English Translation
The chairman of the Public of Perpamsi Ridwan SM said efforts to involve the private enterprise of good efforts but that not the matter that found it easy. Basically PDAM did not refuse private enterprise's wish to participate, during having the commitment in an effort to the fulfilment of the requirement for the drinking water and not only- the eyes for the interest of the business. The entry of private enterprise could result in the operational cost increasingly high that eventually in put in the component of the calculation of the tariff. To overcome this problem of the Government of the Centre must see the problem wider and discussed him comprehensively. The government of the centre must give the support in this case the problem of funding that was needed.
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