Pemasangan ”Flow Meter” (Fitting a Flow Meter- Kota Bandung)
Source: Pikiran Rakyat

DUA orang pekerja tengah memberikan instruksi kepada operator "crane" yang tengah mengangkat pipa lama sepanjang 18 meter yang telah berusia sekira 15 tahun di halaman belakang kantor Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM) Jalan Badaksinga Bandung, Selasa (23/11). Selain penggantian pipa juga dilakukan pemasangan "flow meter" yang berfungsi mengetahui debit air yang masuk secara lebih akurat. Selama pemeliharaan pipa ini, PDAM melakukan penghentian aliran air dari Selasa (23/11) pukul 16.00 WIB hingga 04.00 WIB pada Rabu (24/11).* DUDI SUGANDI/"PR"
English Translation
Two workers giving instruction to the crane operator that was promoting the long pipe along 18 metre that was approximately 15 old the year in the page behind the office of the Company of the Area of the Drinking Water (PDAM) the Road Badaksinga Bandung, Tuesday (23/11). Apart from the replacement of the pipe was also carried out by the fitting "flow meter" that had a function of knowing the water debit that entered in an accurate manner. For this maintenance of the pipe, PDAM carried out the stopping of the water current from Tuesday (23/11) struck 16.00 WIB through to 04.00 WIB on Wednesday (24/11).DUDI SUGANDI/PR
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