Monday, November 01, 2004

Pemerintah Diminta Benahi PDAM Jaya (Government asked to straighten out PDAM Jaya)

Source: Investor Daily

Kuasa Hukum Komparta mendesak pemerintah pusat untuk segera turun tangan benahi pengelolaan PDAM Jaya karena dinilai merugikan masyarakat. Menurutnya, Pemprov DKI Jakarta selaku pemegang saham PDAM Jaya, dalam setiap keputusannya tidak memihak kepada masyarakat. Dikatakan, saat ini 95% aset PDAM Jaya dimiliki mitra asing (TPJ) dan Palyja, sisanya Pemprov DKI. Dia menilai dengan kondisi itu, sulit untuk memperjuangkan kepentingan konsumen yang mayoritas adalah pelanggan PDAM Jaya. Selain itu, dalam menyusun perjanjian kerjasama dengan kedua mitra asing tsb PDAM Jaya selaku BUMD selslu diposisikan sebagai pihak yang dirugikan.

English Translation

The Komparta legal power urged the government of the centre to immediately intervene straightened out the PDAM Jaya management because of considering to cause a loss to the community. According to him, Pemprov Special Capital District OF Jakarta as PDAM Jaya shareholders, in each one of his decisions to not take sides with the community. It was said, at this time 95% PDAM Jaya assets were owned by the foreign partner (TPJ) and Palyja, Pemprov DKI. he considered with the condition, was difficult to fight for the interest of the consumer that the majority was the PDAM Jaya customer. Moreover, in compiling the co-operation agreement in a second manner the foreign partner tsb PDAM Jaya as BUMD selslu was positioned as the team that incurred a loss.