Sulitnya Air Bersih (Clean Water Difficulties)
Source: Pikiran Rakyat
MESKIPUN hujan sempat beberapa kali mengguyur wilayah Kota Tasikmalaya, namun sebagian warga di daerah Kp/Ds. Tanjung Kec. Kawalu Kota Tasik, hingga Rabu (3/11), masih mengalami kesulitan air bersih. Banyak di antara warga setempat harus menempuh jarak cukup jauh untuk mengambil air bersih di sumur yang berada di lahan sawah. Pasalnya curah hujan belum merata dan baru sebagian daerah yang mendapat guyuran hujan.*YOESOEF ADJI/"PR"
English Translation
ALTHOUGH rain several times could splash the Tasikmalaya City territory, but some citizens in the area of Kp/Ds. The Kec cape. Kawalu the Tasik City, till Wednesday (3/11), still experienced the clean water difficulty. Many of the local citizens must follow the distance quite distant to take the clean water in the well that was in the paddy-field land. His article of the rainfall was not yet smooth and new some areas that got guyuran rain.
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