Monday, November 01, 2004

Tidak Ada Niatan Privatisasi Air (Water Privatisation)

Source: Kompas

Dirjen SDA Departemen PU Basuki Hadimoejono membantah kalau UU NO7/2004 tentang SDA dikeluarkan untuk tujuan privatisasi/swastanisasi SDA. Menurutnya, UU tsb hanya untuk mengatur keterlibatan swasta dalam pengelolaan SDA. Dijelaskan sejak draffa RUU dirancang sampai dibahas DPR, tidak ada niatan untuk melakukan privatisasi air. Dikatakan, UU SDA justru memuat banyak permasalahan yang duku tidak diatur dalam UU No.11/1974 misalnya sanksi terhadap pencemaran air dan hak guna air. Dia menambahkan, terkait dengan pelaksanaan UU SDA tsb, pemerintah kini tengah mempersiapkan 11 rancangan peraturan pemerintah sebagai petunjuk teknis.

English Translation

The director general SDA the Department of PU Basuki Hadimoejono was disputatious if UU NO7/2004 about SDA was issued for the aim of the privatisation/privatisation SDA. according to him, UU tsb only to arrange the involvement of private enterprise in the management SDA. was explained from draffa the BILL was drafted to was discussed by DPR, not there is niatan to do the privatisation of the water. Said, UU SDA precisely contained many problems that du I was not arranged in UU No. 11/1974 for example sanctions against pollution and the right of the water for the water. He added, related with the UU SDA implementation tsb, the government currently prepares 11 government regulation plans as the technical guidance.