Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Extract from World Bank Operational Summary - Proposed Water Related Projects in Indonesia (as of December 2004)

Source: World Bank

Third Water Supply and Sanitation for Low-Income Communities:

Water Resources and Irrigation Sector Management (Ln. 4711-IND, Cr. 3807-IND):

Urban Water and Sanitation Improvement and Expansion:

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation:

Health, Nutrition and Population

Third Water Supply and Sanitation for Low-Income Communities:
The project will build on the achievements of the two preceding projects and focus on the kabupatens in the eastern part of the country farthest from achieving the Millennium Development Goals for water supply and sanitation. Project is being identified. Environmental Assessment Category B. US$ 150.0 (IBRD/IDA). Consulting services to be determined. Ministry of Health Directorate General for Communicable Disease Control and Environment, Jl. Percetakan Negara No. 29, PO Box 223, Jakarta, Indonesia, Tel: (62-21) 420-9930, Fax: (62-21) 420-7807, E-mail: ppmplp@cbn.net.id, Contact: Professor Dr. Umar Fahmi Ahmadi, Director General for Communicable Disease Control and Environment

Rural Development

Water Resources and Irrigation Sector Management (Ln. 4711-IND, Cr. 3807-IND):
The objectives of the project are to (a) develop and build the capacity of Irrigation Water User Associations (WUAS) and District Irrigation Agencies; (b) establish local Irrigation Improvement Funds for irrigation facilities and for rehabilitation and completion of canals for irrigation schemes; (c) support an irrigation and agricultural extension program; (d) build the capacity of River Basin Management Units; and (e) finance river improvement work. Loan and credit signing is scheduled for late December 2004. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 59931. US$ 70.0 (IBRD/IDA). Consultants for preparation have been selected and negotiations are in progress. Directorate General for Water Resources, Ministry of Settlement and Regional Infrastructure, Pattimura 20, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia, Tel: (62-21) 739-3006, Contact: Jl. Ir. Sri Nurumi, Director; Ministry of Home Affairs and National Planning Agency, Direcotrate Technical Guidance, Ministry of Settlement and Regional Infrastructure

Urban Development

(R) Urban Water and Sanitation Improvement and Expansion:
The objective of the project is to improve and expand the delivery of water supply and sanitation services by strengthening the local provision of those services in an operationally efficient and financially sustainable manner. Negotiations were scheduled for late November 2004. Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 84872. US$ 58.2 (IBRD). Consulting services to be determined. Ministry of Settlements and Regional Infrastructure, Jl. Pattimura No. 20, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia, Tel: (62-21) 727-96155/58, Fax: (62-21) 727-96155, E-mail: budiman@kimpraswil.go.id, Contact: Mr. Budiman Arif, Director General of Urban and Rural Development

Urban Development

Urban Water Supply and Sanitation:
The objective of the project is to expand sewerage infrastructure in local governments, enable private sector participation in operating and maintaining existing water and sanitation facilities, and design instruments to ensure inclusion of low-income communities residing in the service areas. Appraisal was scheduled for December 2004. Environmental Assessment Category A. PID: 60668. US$ 60.0 (IBRD). Consulting services to be determined. Ministry of Settlements and Regional Infrastructure (Kimpraswil), Jl. Pattimura 20, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta 12110, Indonesia, Tel: (62-21) 722-1772, Contact: Ir. Budiman Arif, Director General, Directorate General of Urban and Rural Development