Monday, January 10, 2005

Banjir Cileuncang (Cileuncang flood)

Source: Pikiran Rakyat

SEORANG anggota polantas mengatur arus lalu lintas yang tersendat akibat banjir cileuncang yang disebabkan hujan deras yang mengguyur kawasan Bandung Timur di Jalan Soekarno Hatta sekira 1 km arah timur sebelum bundaran Cibiru, Sabtu (8/1). Kurang berfungsinya saluran pembuangan air di sejumlah lokasi di jalan ini membuat air setinggi ban kerap menggenangi jalan ini.*DUDI SUGANDI/"PR"

English Translation

A of traffic police's members arranged the flow of the stagnant traffic resulting from the flood cileuncang that was caused by heavy rain that splashed the Bandung region East in the Soekarno Hatta Road approximately 1 km the east direction before the Cibiru roundabout, Saturday (8/1). Not all that the functioning of the water sewerage system in several locations in this road to make water be as high as the tyre often flooded this road.