Thursday, January 27, 2005

Penghambat Air (Water Obstacle)

Source: Pikiran rakyat

Dua warga menyingkirkan tumpukan sampah yang tidak hanyut saat sungai Citeupus meluap karena tertahan sejumlah pipa di bawah jembatan di Cangkuang Wetan Senin (24/01). Keberadaan pipa ini sudah lama dikeluhkan warga sekitar namun hingga kini tak pernah ditanggapi meski setiap sungai meluap, air yang tertahan sampah ini selalu merendam seluruh Kampung Sekeandur RW 08 tersebut.* M. GELORA SAPTA/"PR"

English Translation

Two citizens removed the heap of the waste that not washed away when the Citeupus river overflowed because of being kept several pipes under bridge in Cangkuang Wetan Monday (24/01). This existence of the pipe had for a long time been complained about by the citizen around but up to now had not been responded to although each river overflowed, water that was kept this waste always soaked all the Sekeandur RW Village 08 this.