Tanpa Tutup (Not Closed)
Source: Pikiran Rakyat
SEBUAH lubang riol tanpa tutup dibiarkan terbuka dan hanya dihalangi ban bekas oleh warga untuk menghindari adanya pemakai jalan di Jalan Holis Bandung, Minggu (16/1). Kondisi ini cukup berbahaya, mengingat lubang tersebut terletak agak ke tengah jalan dan kerap membuat arus lalu lintas macet saat kendaraan yang melintas di kawasan ini padat.* DUDI SUGANDI/"PR"
English Translation
A sewer holes without being closed was allowed to be open and only was obstructed the second-hand tyre by the citizen to avoid the existence of the user of the road in the Road of Holis Bandung, on Sunday (16/1). This condition quite dangerous, remembered this hole was located rather to the middle of the road and often made the traffic flow stall when the vehicle that passed by in this region was dense. DUDI SUGANDI/PR
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