DPU fokus pada tiga Proyek air Bersih. (DPU focus on 3 clean water projects)
Source: Investor Daily
Menteri PU Djoko Kirmanto mengatakan, pihaknya hanya menawarkan 3 proyek air bersih kepada calon investor, yaitu kotaTangerang, kabupaten tangerang dan kota solo, proyek ini senilai US$ 80 juta.Beliau menjelaskan, pemerintah menawarkan investasi sektor air minum di 24 kota/distrik dengan kapasitas total mencapai 18.015 liter/detik, termasuk diantaranya proyek pengelolaan air minum diwilayah Bekasi,tangerang, Yogyakarta, Semarang, surabaya, Dumai, samarinda dan Manado. Pemerintah membutuhkan total Investasi Sebesar Rp 45 Triliun, mendekati US$ 5 miliar, jumlah itu diharapkan didapat dari investasi swasta.
English Translation
Minister PU Djoko Kirmanto said, his team only offered 3 clean water projects to the investor's candidate, that is kotaTangerang, the Tangerang regency and the solo city, this project with a value of US$ 80 million. He explained, the government offered investment of the sector of the drinking water in 24 cities/the district with the total capacity reached 18,015 litre/the second, including among them the project of the drinking water management diwilayah Bekasi, Tangerang, Yogyakarta, Semarang, Surabaya, Dumai, Samarinda and Manado. The government needed the total Investment of Rp 45 trillion, approaching US$ 5 billion, the number was it was hoped received from private enterprise's investment.
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