Friday, April 01, 2005

Investor Asing Minati Sektor Air Indonesia (Foreign Investor Interested in Indonesian Water Sector)

Source: Kompas

Kompas - 31 Maret 2005

Jakarta, Kompas - Di tengah berkembangnya isu air yang semakin langka di dunia, para investor asing mengincar sektor air Indonesia untuk berinvestasi. Komisi Eropa malah telah menyiapkan dana 10 juta euro untuk mendanai proyek manajemen air pedesaan selama empat tahun.

Minat yang sama muncul dari Finlandia, Jerman, dan Belanda yang melihat persoalan air di Indonesia perlu dibenahi, baik dari infrastruktur maupun pengelolaannya. Sebelumnya, dua raksasa investor asing di bidang air, Thames dan Lyonnaise, telah lebih dulu berpartner dengan PAM Jaya.

English Translation

Jakarta, Kompas - in the middle of the expansion of rumours of water that increasingly rare in the world, the foreign investors aimed at the Indonesian sector of water to invest. The European commission even prepared the fund 10 million euro to mendanai the project of the management of rural water for four years.

The same interest in emerging from Finland, Germany, and the Netherlands that saw the problem of water in Indonesia must be straightened out, both from the infrastructure and his management. Beforehand, the investor's two foreign giants in the water field, the Thames and Lyonnaise, has more previously was in partnership with Pam Jaya.

"Sektor air kini menjadi prioritas Pemerintah Indonesia dan Komisi Eropa pun menjajaki kemungkinan berinvestasi di sini," kata Cecile Leroy dari EU-Indonesia Small Projects Facility Komisi Eropa dalam seminar tentang pengelolaan air dan limbah cair di Jakarta, Rabu (30/3).

the Sector of water currently to the Indonesian priority and the European Commission in the Government then sounds out the investing possibility in sini,\said Cecile Leroy from EU-Indonesia Small Projects Facility the European Commission in the seminar about the water management and the liquid waste in Jakarta, Wednesday (30/3).

Cecile mengungkapkan, infrastruktur air menjadi komponen utama dalam penjajakan tersebut. Para investor Eropa diperkirakan akan memegang peran kunci dalam mengembangkan infrastruktur air di Indonesia.

Cecile said, the infrastructure of water became the main component in this sounding out. The European investors will it was estimated hold the role of the key in developing the infrastructure of water in Indonesia.

Seminar yang akan dilanjutkan pertemuan para calon investor dari luar negeri dengan pengelola air minum di Indonesia itu kemarin menghadirkan para pembicara dari Bappenas, Perpamsi, Bank Dunia, Uni Eropa, Jerman, Kedutaan Besar Belanda, dan lembaga asing yang bergerak di bidang air.

The seminar that will be continued by the meeting of the investor's candidates from overseas with the drinking water manager in the Indonesia yesterday produced the speakers from Bappenas, Perpamsi, the world Bank, the European Union, Germany, the Dutch Embassy, and the moving foreign agency in the water field.

Akses air bersih

Clean water access

Para pembicara asing secara khusus menyoroti keterbatasan penduduk Indonesia mengakses air bersih untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari yang baru mencapai 20 persen dari total penduduk Indonesia. Selain itu, disorot pula lemahnya manajemen pengelolaan air, tingginya tingkat kebocoran, hingga infrastruktur yang kurang mendukung ke arah perbaikan layanan.

The foreign speakers specially focussed on the Indonesian limitations of the inhabitants accessed clean water for the everyday requirement that just reached 20 percent from the total Indonesian inhabitant. Moreover, was highlighted also by the weakness of the management of the water management, the height of the level of baldness, as far as the infrastructure that not more supportive to the side of the improvement of the service.

Salah satu langkah yang kini disiapkan Komisi Eropa di Indonesia adalah pembangunan kapasitas para penyedia air di Indonesia dalam program promosi pembangunan kapasitas Eropa untuk penyediaan air di Indonesia (Euro-Promocap Iwat). Program akan diterapkan di empat Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM), masing-masing PDAM Makassar, Palembang, Banjarmasin, dan Bandung.

One of the steps that currently is prepared the European Commission in Indonesia was the development of the capacity of the providers of water in Indonesia in the European program of the promotion of the development of the capacity during the provisions of water in Indonesia (Euro-Promocap Iwat). The program will be applied in four companies of the Area of the Drinking Water (PDAM), respectively PDAM Makassar, Palembang, Banjarmasin, and Bandung.
Proyek ini akan melibatkan para ahli pengelolaan air dari Eropa untuk melatih di keempat pilot proyek itu. Selanjutnya hasil dan pengetahuan baru yang diperoleh akan disebarluaskan dan diadaptasi di Indonesia. "Kami sangat yakin bahwa proyek ini akan membawa manfaat nyata di Indonesia," kata Cecile.

This project will involve the experts of the water management from Europe to train in the four pilots of the project. Further results and new knowledge that were received were spread and adapted in Indonesia. \we really were sure that this project will bring the real benefit in Indonesia,\said Cecile.

Menanggapi hal ini Deputi Bidang Sarana dan Prasarana Bappenas Suyono Dikun mengatakan, hampir seluruh kondisi infrastruktur publik di Indonesia-dari jalan raya, rel kereta api, saluran irigasi dan perpipaan, hingga pelabuhan-menurun drastis dan butuh dana perbaikan besar.

Responded to this of the Deputy and the Bappenas Suyono Dikun Infrastructure of the means Field said, almost all the condition for the infrastructure of the public in Indonesia-from the highway, the railway rails, the irrigation channel and perpipaan, to port-descended drastic and needed the big improvement fund.

Perkiraan kasar dana yang dibutuhkan untuk rehabilitasi semua infrastruktur sebanyak Rp 500-600 triliun. "Mau tidak mau harus diupayakan bantuan dari dalam maupun luar negeri," kata dia.

The rough estimate the fund that was needed for rehabilitation of all the infrastructure totalling Rp 500-600 trillion. \Want did not want must strive for help from inside and outside negeri,\said he.

Khusus di bidang air, lanjut dia, negosiasi bantuan lunak yang mungkin diberikan harus dibicarakan dengan Dewan Sumber Daya Air yang pembentukannya diamanatkan Undang-Undang Nomor 7 Tahun 2004 tentang Pengelolaan SDA, yang kini tengah di uji materiil.

Especially in the water field, continued he, soft help negotiations that possibly were given must be discussed with the Council of Water resources that his formation was entrusted by number regulations 7 2004 about the SDA Management, that currently middle in the material test.