Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Presiden Akui Kondisi SDA Indonesia Sudah Krisis (President acknowledges Indonesia water resource crisis)

Source: Neraca

Presiden mengakui sumber daya air Indonesia saat ini dalam kondisi kritis. Sehingga perlu direnunkan kembali upaya penyusunan tata ruang untuk mencegah memperparah kondisi kritis itu. Presiden mengatakan jika perencanaan pembangunan dilakukan dengan baik, maka masalah ketersediaan sumber daya air sesungguhnya dapat diatasi. Cepatnya pertambahan penduduk, penebangan hutan secara liar serta menipisnya lahan penampung air merupakan ancaman serius yang mengakibatkan kelangkaan masalah keterbatasan air saat ini dan masa yang akan datang. Dalam kondisi Indonesia yang beriklim tropis, masalah air tidak hanya cukup dipelihara tetapi perlu diselamatkan.

English Translation

The president acknowledged Indonesian water resources at this time in the critical condition. So as necessary direnunkan came back efforts of the compilation of the layout to prevent aggravated the critical condition. The president said if development planning was carried out well, then the problem of the availability of water resources could be actually overcome. Fast him population growth, the felling of the forest illegally as well as diminished him the land of the water cross-section was the serious threat that resulted in the scarcity of the problem of the limitations of water at this time and really that will come. In the Indonesian condition that had a tropical climate, the problem of water must be only just maintained but saved.