Thursday, June 16, 2005

Karet Bendungan Bocor (Leaking Dam)

Source: Pikiran Rakyat

BAGIAN karet dari Bendungan Bangkir di Desa Bangkir, Kecamatan Lohbener, Kabupaten Indramayu mengalami kebocoran, Senin (13/6). Bendungan yang dibangun pada tahun 1987 tersebut di samping berfungsi sebagai pengendali banjir di alur Sungai Cimanuk, pada bagian hilir sebelum melintasi bendungan dimanfaatkan PDAM Kabupaten Indramayu sebagai tempat pengambilan air baku.*MARSIS SANTOSO/"PR"

English Translation

The rubber PART of the Bangkir Dam in the Bangkir Village, the Lohbener Subdistrict, the Indramayu Regency experienced loss, on Monday (13/6). The dam that was built during 1987 this besides functioning as the manager of the flood in the Cimanuk River channel, in the lower part before crossing the dam was made use of PDAM the Indramayu Regency as the place of the taking of standard water.