Saturday, January 29, 2005

Bandung residents protest over hotel project

Source: The Jakarta Post

Hundreds of Punclut residents, environmentalists and artists protested on the streets of Bandung on Thursday, rejecting the planned construction of a hotel and resort in Punclut, a water catchment area in North Bandung.

The protesters criticized Bandung Mayor Dada Rosada for issuing a permit for PT Dam Utama Sakti Prima (DUSP) to turn 60-hectare plot in Punclut into a tourism and business project. They said the permit violated regional regulations that designate Punclut as part of a water catchment, and could worsen floods during the rainy season and cause water shortages in the dry season.

A performing arts show kicked off the protest, the second such protest, and was followed by a speech in front of the Gedung Sate building, which houses the Bandung City Council and governor's office.

Sobirin, an expert member from the Council of the Sunda Territory Environmental Observer who took part in the protest, criticized the mayor for issuing a permit at a time when many people were demanding stricter control of the North Bandung conservation area.

Moreover, he said the alleged construction of an access road by PT DUSP following the issuance of permit No. 593/01-DBM/05 on Jan. 12 was against local bylaw No. 2/2004 on Bandung's spatial planning. Article 100 of the bylaw cites that no new road access is allowed in the Punclut area to maintain its green space.

"It's a strange policy of a mayor to allow a conservation area to be developed instead of being rehabilitated," Sobirin said.

PT DUSP president director Fandam Darmawan, on the sidelines of a seminar on Punclut organized by the Indonesian Geologists Association in West Java and Banten, told reporters that he only acted as executor of the permit.

He said that only 20 percent of the 60-hectare site would be developed, while the rest would remain a green area.

"If we (go on) with construction, we'd be helping to preserve water... we'll build an environmentally friendly residential area that will be comfortable for its residents and local people in the vicinity," Fandam said on Thursday.

He said the disadvantages did not outweigh the project's advantages, and his company was just waiting for Bandung administration approval to start construction. He said that so far, no development had started apart from a regreening project in a hilly area.

Geologist Hardoyo Rajiwiryono disagreed with protesters, saying that based on the latest satellite image, Punclut was not the main water catchment, but a small one where construction should be allowed.

According to Bandung's water resources office data, around 6,020 hectares of reservoirs, or around 70 percent of water catchments in North Bandung, had been damaged due to residential development.

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Friday, January 28, 2005

Punclut bukan Daerah Resapan Air Tanah (Punclut not the Area of Ground Water Absorption)

Source: Pikiran Rakyat

Melainkan Sebagai Tangkapan Air

Kawasan punclut dilihat dari struktur geologi tanah ternyata hanya sebagai daerah tangkapan air, bukan daerah resapan air tanah. Daerah yang menjadi resapan air tanah di kawasan Bandung Utara (KBU) adalah di bagian barat (Jln. Setiabudi-Lembang ke barat) dan di bagian timur (kaki Gunung Manglayang sampai Cicalengka).

Hal itu terungkap dari diskusi ilmiah yang diselenggarakan Ikatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia (IAGI) Jawa Barat dan Banten di Gedung Geologi Jln. Dipenogoro, Kamis (27/1). Tampil sebagai pembicara, Hardoyo Rajiyowiryono (peneliti dari IAGI) dengan moderator Ketua IAGI Jabar-Banten, Lambok Hutasoit. Hadir sebagai peserta diskusi, anggota IAGI, pejabat Pemprov Jabar dan Kota Bandung. Turut hadir Direktur PT Dam Utama Sakti Prima, Fandam Darmawan.

English Translation

Bandung, (PR). -

The region Punclut was seen from the structure of land geology evidently only as the area of the arrest of water, not the area of the absorption of the ground water. The area that became the absorption of the ground water in the Bandung region North (KBU) was on the west (the Road. Setiabudi-Lembang to the west) and on the east (foot the Manglayang Mountain until Cicalengka).

That was expressed from scientific discussions that were held by the Indonesian Association of the Geologist (IAGI) West Java and Banten in the Building of Road Geology. Dipenogoro, Thursday (27/1). Appear as the speaker, Hardoyo Rajiyowiryono (the researcher from IAGI) with the Chairman's moderator of IAGI West Java-Banten, Lambok Hutasoit. Be present as participants in discussions, the IAGI member, the official Pemprov West Java and the Bandung City. Take part in being present PT Dam Utama Sakti Prima Director, Fandam Darmawan.

Alasan Punclut bukan daerah resapan air tanah, menurut Hardoyo, Punclut mengandung lapisan tanah breksi yang kedap air sehingga air hujan saat masuk ke lapukan tanah tidak langsung diteruskan ke lapisan tanah yang paling dalam, tapi dikeluarkan melalui mata air. Oleh karenanya di sana banyak ditemukan mata air.

Di daerah Jln. Setiabudi-Lembang, lapisan tanahnya mengandung tufa dan kipas aluvial sehingga air yang datang dari atas melalui tanah lapukan bisa langsung diserap dan diteruskan ke tanah yang paling dalam. Di kaki Gunung Manglayang sampai Cicalengka, mengandung bantuan gunung api yang tidak teruraikan dan sebagian mengandung breksi sehingga daerah tersebut dikenal sebagai daerah resapan air tanah bukan utama.

Hardoyo mengungkapkan, data tersebut adalah diambil dari hasil penelitian atas kerja sama dengan Jerman. "Kami hanya mengungkap data yang ada pada kami, tidak punya pretensi apa-apa," ungkapnya.

Peneliti lain, Ir. Dadang mengungkapkan, dilihat dari aspek geologi di KBU ada tiga formasi lapisan tanah yaitu formasi Cibeureum, Cikapundung, dan Cikidang. Formasi Cibeureum adalah paling bagus penyerapan air tanahnya, yakni di sekitar Jln. Setiabudi -Lembang, Cigadung, dan Coblong.

Formasi Cikapundung, hanya bagian vegetasi atasnya yang bagus, sedangkan ke bawahnya jelek, seperti di wilayah punclut. Formasi Cikidang dinilai bagus lapisan tanahnya untuk menjadi sumber resapan air tanah namun alurnya tidak ke Bandung tapi ke Lembang.

Cekungan Bandung

Pada bagian lain, Hardoyo mengatakan bahwa KBU dan kawasan Bandung Selatan (KBS) seharusnya dipandang sebagai bagian integral dari Cekungan Bandung mengingat keduanya mempunyai kontribusi besar terhadap rusak tidaknya Cekungan Bandung. Untuk itu, diharapkan dalam penataannya tidak lagi dipisahkan namun harus menjadi satu kesatuan.

Hardoyo menjelaskan, kedua kawasan itu perlu diperhatikan mengingat air tanah Cekungan Bandung di beberapa daerah sudah mengalami penurunan yang cukup signifikan. Pemanfaatan lahan yang semakin pesat, juga menjadi salah satu faktor terjadinya kerusakan Cekungan Bandung.

Air tanah Cekungan Bandung, katanya, mempunyai tiga daerah yaitu Lembang, Batujajar dan Bandung-Soreang. Untuk Bandung-Soreang mempunyai potensi air tanah bebas sebesar 795 juta meter kubik per tahun dan air tanah tertekan sebesar 117 juta meter kubik per tahun.

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Thursday, January 27, 2005

Instalasi PDAM Makassar Kembali Dioperasikan (PDAM Makassar Installations Operating Again)

Source: Suara Pembaruan

MAKASSAR - Setelah berhenti sepekan lebih, produksi air bersih Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM) Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan (Sulsel), yang bersumber dari instalasi pengolahan air (IPA) Somba Opu mulai dioperasikan, menyusul turunnya tingkat kekeruhan air di Bendungan Bili-Bili, Kabupaten Gowa.

English Translation

MAKASSAR - After stopping a week more, the clean production of water the Company of the Area of the Drinking Water (PDAM) Makassar, South Sulawesi (South Sulawesi), that originated in the installation of the processing of water (IPA) Somba Opu began to be operated on, following the fall of the level kekeruhan water in the Dam of Bili-Bili, the Gowa Regency.

IPA Somba Opu berkapasitas lebih 1.000 liter per detik terpaksa berhenti menyuplai air bersih di Makassar, sekitar 55 ribu pelanggan tidak mendapatkan pasokan air bersih di Kecamatan Bontoala, Rappocini, Panakkukang, Mamajang, Manggala dan sebagian Ujungpandang lantaran pasokan air di instalasi terbesar PDAM itu dipadati timbunan lumpur.

Humas PDAM Jufri Sakka kepada wartawan, Kamis (27/1) pagi, menjelaskan, tingkat kekeruhan air (NTU) di Bili-bili mulai menurun sampai 4.000 NTU dibawah ambang toleransi 6.000 NTU dan sejak Rabu kemarin IPA Somba Opu kembali berproduksi.

Berdasarkan hasil pertemuan Direktur PDAM Makassar, Ridwan Syahputra Musaganai dan Wali Kota Makassar Ilham Arief Siradjuddin dengan staf Dirjen Sumber Daya Air Departemen Pekerjaan Umum, Rabu (26/1) kemarin, diputuskan untuk segera membenahi kondisi sumber air baku PDAM itu.

Komisi V Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR ) hari Jumat (28/1) dijadwalkan akan meninjau lokasi Bendungan Bili-bili untuk pembuatan pompa terapung

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Penghambat Air (Water Obstacle)

Source: Pikiran rakyat

Dua warga menyingkirkan tumpukan sampah yang tidak hanyut saat sungai Citeupus meluap karena tertahan sejumlah pipa di bawah jembatan di Cangkuang Wetan Senin (24/01). Keberadaan pipa ini sudah lama dikeluhkan warga sekitar namun hingga kini tak pernah ditanggapi meski setiap sungai meluap, air yang tertahan sampah ini selalu merendam seluruh Kampung Sekeandur RW 08 tersebut.* M. GELORA SAPTA/"PR"

English Translation

Two citizens removed the heap of the waste that not washed away when the Citeupus river overflowed because of being kept several pipes under bridge in Cangkuang Wetan Monday (24/01). This existence of the pipe had for a long time been complained about by the citizen around but up to now had not been responded to although each river overflowed, water that was kept this waste always soaked all the Sekeandur RW Village 08 this.

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Pasokan Air di Tangerang Kembali Normal (Water supplies in Tangerang returns to normal)

Source: Suara Pembaruan

TANGERANG - Pasokan air bersih untuk 5.000 pelanggan PDAM (Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum) Tirta Perwita di Cipondoh, Tangerang kembali normal, Kamis. Sebelumnya, ribuan pelanggan sempat kesulitan mendapatkan pasokan air bersih menyusul jebolnya pipa induk yang mendistribusikan air dari PDAM tersebut.

Tiga buah pipa induk air PDAM yang berada di pinggiran Kali Mookevart, Jalan Daan Mogot km19,8 itu jebol akibat tertimpa tanah longsor, menyusul hujan deras yang mengguyur Kota Tangerang, Minggu malam hingga Senin pagi. Akibatnya, pipa induk berukuran 150 mm, 250 mm, dan 300 mm jebol sepanjang 20 meter.

English Translation

Tangerang - clean water supplies to 5,000 PDAM customers (the Company of the Area of the Drinking Water) Perwita Water in Cipondoh, Tangerang again was normal, on Thursday. Beforehand, thousands of customers could the difficulty got clean water supplies following broken him the parent pipe that distributed water from this PDAM.

Three PDAM pipes of the mother of water that was in Mookevart Time outskirts, the Road of the Daan Mogot km19,8 was broken as a result of being fallen on the landslide, followed heavy rain that splashed the Tangerang City, on Sunday night till Monday morning. As a result, the measuring parent pipe 150 mm, 250 mm, and 300 mm broken along 20 metre.

Untuk mengatasinya, PDAM setempat telah mengalihkan penyaluran air dengan sistem khusus langsung ke Cipondoh. Sebelumnya, penyaluran air ini memakai sistem Batu Ceper ke Cipondoh.

Humas PDAM Indra Setiawan kepada Pembaruan mengatakan, pengalihan sistem penyaluran air ini dilakukan untuk menghindari pelanggan kesulitan mendapatkan air bersih.

Pelanggan di Cipondoh sempat tidak mendapatkan suplai air selama setengah jam dan industri selama empat jam. Rabu pagi, pipa saluran induk berukuran 250 mm itu longsor lagi dan kembali menjadi penyebab saluran air ke pelanggan terhenti. Namun setelah diperbaiki hingga sore, pipa tersebut sudah kembali berfungsi. "Mudah-mudahan tidak terjadi lagi longsor," ujar Indra.

Pemantauan Pembaruan di lokasi, kemarin sore, selain masih membenahi pipa saluran, sejumlah pekerja juga membuat turap untuk menahan gerakan tanah di pinggir kali. Pekerjaan ini masih dilanjutkan hari ini.

Namun, menurut seorang pekerja yang tidak mau disebutkan namanya, kemungkinan pipa jebol masih bisa terjadi mengingat kondisi tanah di pinggiran kali Mookevart labil akibat erosi. Apalagi, letak pipa seperti memotong pinggiran kali sehingga sangat riskan untuk terkena longsor.

Pipa saluran induk air bersih milik Badan Usaha Milik Daerah (BUMD) Kota Tangerang itu mengalami kerusakan yang cukup parah, setelah tertimpa trotoar serta pagar pembatas sungai Mookevart yang longsor.

Menurut keterangan beberapa pegawai PDAM Tirta Perwita, kemungkinan terjadinya longsor di trotoar dan pagar pembatas sungai tersebut, akibat hujan lebat yang mengguyur kota Tangerang, sejak Minggu malam hingga Senin siang lalu. "Karena di sekitar lokasi tidak terdapat buangan air dari jalan ke kali Mookevart maka air jadi tertahan dan menyebabkan trotoar dan pagarnya roboh dan menimpa pipa induk PDAM. Perbaikan saluran ini akan memakan waktu cukup lama," tutur seorang petugas PDAM.

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Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Krisis Air Makassar Makin Parah (Water Crisis in Makassar Increasingly Serious)

Source: Kompas

Makassar, Kompas - Krisis air bersih PDAM Kota Makassar sudah semakin parah. Sejak menghentikan produksi 20 Januari lalu hingga Selasa (25/1) belum ada tanda-tanda kapan produksi akan dimulai kembali. Krisis air yang berlarut-larut ini meresahkan warga Makassar. Kerumunan masyarakat yang mengantre air di kantor PDAM dan berebut air di mobil-mobil tangki pembawa air bersih ke permukiman menjadi pemandangan sehari-hari.

English Translation

Makassar, Kompas- the clean water Crisis PDAM the Makassar City has been increasingly serious. Since stopping the production last January 20 till Tuesday (25/1) did not yet have signs when the production will be begun again. The crisis protracted water this disturbed the Makassar citizen. The crowd of the community that queued water in the PDAM office and fought for water in clean cars of the tank of the water bearer to the settlement to everyday scenery.

Menurut Humas PDAM Kota Makassar Jufri Sakka yang dihubungi Selasa mengatakan, hingga kemarin tingkat kekeruhan air di IPA Somba Opu masih tinggi, tidak pernah berada di bawah 10.000 NTU. Padahal dalam keadaan normal, tingkat kekeruhan air yang biasanya masuk ke IPA Somba Opu hanya berkisar 0-100 NTU (nephelometric turbidity unit).

"Sebenarnya pada tingkat kekeruhan 4.000 NTU kami masih bisa melakukan produksi walau hasilnya takkan maksimal. Tapi yang terjadi sekarang, tingkat kekeruhannya tak pernah berada di bawah 10.000 NTU. Pernah kami coba melakukan produksi di saat tingkat kekeruhannya 6.000. Tapi hasilnya masih sangat keruh dan kuantitasnya juga berkurang hingga 30 persen. Jadi bila rata-rata produksi IPA Somba Opu 1.000 liter/detik, sekarang paling banyak bila diolah tinggal 700 liter/detik," jelas Jufri.

Di Makassar, krisis air yang parah dan sudah berlangsung lebih dari sebulan membuat masyarakat resah. Suplai air yang dilakukan dengan armada mobil tangki dan membuka keran-keran air di kantor pusat PDAM Kota Makassar di Jalan Ratulangi tak membuat keresahan warga surut.

Di kantor PDAM misalnya yang membuka layanan pembagian air gratis bagi pelanggan PDAM selalu dipadati masyarakat sejak pagi hingga pukul 00.00 Wita. Antrean dan rebutan juga tampak di mobil-mobil tangki milik PDAM yang datang ke permukiman warga.

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Monday, January 24, 2005

Pasokan Air Bersih 3.000 Warga Terganggu (Clean Water supply to 3,000 customers disrupted)

Source: Pikiran Rakyat

Saluran PDAM di Cianjur Tertimpa Longsor

Pasokan air bersih terhadap sedikitnya 3.000 pelanggan Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM) di Kota Cianjur terganggu, menyusul putusnya saluran pipa air bersih sepanjang 30 meter di Kp. Rancapicung Ds. Cibulakan Kec. Cugenang akibat bencana tanah longsor, Sabtu (22/1).

Sebelum aliran air bersih terhenti sama sekali, tanah longsor tersebut juga sempat membuat air yang mengalir ke rumah warga menjadi kotor dan berlumpur karena air serta tanah dari longsoran sempat masuk ke dalam saluran air yang terputus dan mengalir ke saluran rumah warga.

English Translation

The PDAM channel was in Cianjur fallen on by Longsor

Cianjur, (PR).-
Clean water supplies against at least 3,000 customers of the Company of the Area of the Drinking Water (PDAM) in the Cianjur City was disrupted, following the clean severing of the channel of the water pipe along 30 metre in Kp.Rancapicung Ds. Cibulakan Kec.Cugenang resulting from the landslide disaster, Saturday (22/1).

Before the clean water current completely stopped, this landslide could also make water that flowed to the citizen's house become dirty and muddy because water as well as the land could from the landslide enter the water channel that was interrupted and flowed to the channel of the citizen's house.

Menurut Kepala Bagian Produksi dan Distribusi PDAM Kab. Cianjur, Drs. Budi Karyawan terputusnya aliran air kepada ribuan pelanggan di Kota Cianjur tersebut terjadi karena pipa PDAM yang menyalurkan air bersih dari sumber mata air Cirumput jebol tertimbun tanah longsor yang terjadi di Kp. Rancapicung, Sabtu pagi (22/1) sekira pukul 06.30 WIB.

Selain mengganggu pasokan air bersih kepada para pelanggan, menurut Budi tanah longsor ini juga mengakibatkan kerugian puluhan juta rupiah. "Terputusnya aliran air ke ribuan pelanggan di Kota Cianjur disebabkan saluran pipa sepanjang 30 meter yang berasal dari mata air Cirumput tertimbun longsor, dan tanah yang masuk ke dalam saluran air juga sempat membuat air yang mengalir ke rumah warga dipenuhi lumpur. Untuk itu kami meminta maaf dan dalam waktu dekat semuanya akan normal kembali," ujar Budi yang ditemui, Sabtu (22/1).

Budi juga mengungkapkan, meskipun pipa air bersih di daerah Cugenang terputus karena tanah longsor, namun pelayanan air bersih di Kota Cianjur tidak terhenti secara keseluruhan. Pasalnya, pihaknya masih memiliki pasokan air bersih bagi sebagian besar pelanggan di Kota Cianjur yaitu dari mata air Cilembang, Selakawung dan sumur bor di daerah Gombong.

Dalam waktu satu sampai dua hari ke depan pelayanan akan kembali normal, karena jaringan yang rusak sudah selesai diperbaiki. "Meskipun sempat terganggu, namun pasokan air bersih bagi sebagian besar warga masih bisa dipenuhi karena kami masih mempunyai cadangan air dari sejumlah mata air dan sumur bor yang ada.

Dan Minggu kemarin, perbaikan terhadap jaringan yang rusak telah selesai dan aliran air bersih akan normal kembali," katanya.

Tertimpa longsor

Sementara dari informasi yang diperoleh "PR", putusnya pipa saluran air bersih milik PDAM Kab. Cianjur tersebut terjadi saat hujan deras mengguyur daerah Cianjur sejak malam hari. Akibatnya, tanah sawah milik salah seorang warga di Kp. Rancapicung Ds. Cibulakan Kec. Cugenang yang berada di daerah labil tidak kuat menahan beban dan bergeser serta amblas sedalam beberapa meter.

Tanah amblas tersebut kemudian menutup jalan desa sepanjang 30 meter dengan lebar 3 meter, selain itu tanah longsor juga menyebabkan saluran pipa PDAM dari mata air Cirumput yang berada di pinggir jalan terputus dan ikut tertimbun longsoran tanah.

Sampai berita ini diturunkan, puluhan petugas dibantu warga setempat terus melakukan perbaikan terhadap jaringan pipa milik PDAM dengan memasang pipa baru dan menyingkirkan timbunan tanah dari badan jalan.

Banyaknya masyarakat yang terlibat membantu para petugas dari PDAM sehingga perbaikan saluran yang tertimbun longsor bisa secepatnya diperbaiki, sehingga warga bisa memanfaatkan kembali air PDAM.

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Sunday, January 23, 2005

Indonesia Infrastructure Summit (Jan. 2005) Website

This website contains proceedings and outcomes of the recent Indonesia Infrastructure Summit held in Jakarta on January 17th. & 18th. 2005.

Of note are the presentations from the Water/Sanitation sessions and details of 24 proposed Water Supply Infrastructure Projects. (Click on map below for project locations)

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Saturday, January 22, 2005

ADB pledges US$800 million to Indonesia, in addition to tsunami relief

Source: The Jakarta Post

MANILA (AFP): The Asian Development Bank (ADB) said here on Saturday it has pledged US$800 million for Indonesia in 2005 on top of the support being provided for tsunami relief and rehabilitation in that country.

"Disbursements under these commitments will be additional to the significant special financial and operational support that ADB will be providing for rehabilitation and reconstruction work in the tsunami-affected areas," the bank said.

The new aid to Indonesia will go to infrastructure, local government finance, water resources, agriculture productivity, education, and nutrition, vice-president Joseph Eichenberger was quoted as saying.

Despite progress on the macroeconomic front, Indonesia still faces "several significant structural challenges," such as the need for massive investment and greater predictability and clarity in administration, the bank said in a statement from itsheadquarters in the Philippine capital.

The $800 million will focus on medium-term economic needs such as improving governance and fighting corruption, decentralization, promoting human development, improved environmental management and "increasing long-term growth prospects."

The ADB has already allocated an initial $675 million for the rehabilitation and reconstruction effort in Indonesia, the Maldives, and Sri Lanka which were all hit by the quake-spawned killer tsunamis in December.

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Thursday, January 20, 2005

Thousands flee homes as floods paralyze Jakarta

Source: The Jakarta Post

Panic, fatigue and confusion were etched on Wagino's face, a resident of Kalibata in East Jakarta whose house on the Ciliwung river bank was swept away in Wednesday's floods.

"The flood came early at 3 a.m. and it destroyed most of my house. I don't know where to go for temporary shelter," Wagino said.

Wagino was not alone. Thousands of other Jakartans were forced to leave their homes due to massive flooding that engulfed many parts of the capital and paralyzed many roads in the city.

The official estimate reported that at least 8,000 residents across the city were forced to flee to temporary shelters on Wednesday as rainwater completely inundated their homes. No fatalities were reported so far.

"We have received a report that floods have claimed one life. The victim was reportedly electrocuted. But, we have yet to verify the report," said the secretary of the city flood and disaster mitigation task force, Soebagio.

The worst affected areas were Cipinang Besar Selatan, Kampung Melayu Kecil, Pondok Bambu in East Jakarta, Rawa Jati, Bukit Duri, Bidara Cina, Manggarai and Cipulir in South Jakarta, Petamburan in Central Jakarta.

The water level reached up to three meters in Cililitan Kecil, East Jakarta. Despite such dangerous water levels, some residents insisted on staying on their roofs and refusing to leave their homes for fear of looting.

Jakarta Governor Sutiyoso announced on Wednesday that the flooding in the capital had reached a critical level, only a step away from an emergency situation, when Jakarta residents living in flood-prone areas must be evacuated.

Jakarta has 78 areas that are prone to flooding, most of which are in North Jakarta.

"If heavy rain continues and the water level rises to an alarming level, I will have no choice but to open the flood gate, which may cause flooding in elite areas, including the State Palace... I am sure that the President (Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono) would be able to understand this as an emergency situation," he told reporters during his impromptu visit to the Manggarai flood gate in South Jakarta.

Several temporary shelters prepared by the administration could not accommodate the massive number of flood victims, so many of them took up the sidewalks and edges of the road, like on Jl. Jatinegara Barat in East Jakarta. In Cipinang Besar Selatan, many residents even took refuge in the public cemetery.

Separately, Jakarta Police chief Insp. Gen. Firman Gani said that the police would immediately set up command posts in all flooded areas to help flood victims to evacuate and to supply food.

"We will deploy most policemen in subprecincts in areas that are affected by floods to help distribute food, evacuate victims, prevent looting and handle traffic," Firman said.

Jl. Kalibata, Jl. Otto Iskandardinatta, Jl. Kampung Melayu Besar, Jl. Jatinegara Barat, Jl. Daan Mogot and Jl. Cipulir Raya, were completely closed to traffic on Wednesday morning as the floods were too deep for vehicles to pass. Police rerouted the traffic to alternative routes. Some motorists were seen leaving their vehicles trapped in water.

"I decided not to go to the office today. I have been waiting for transportation for hours, but no one wanted to pass the inundated roads," said Neny, a resident of Pondok Kopi, East Jakarta.

Flooding is an annual occurrence in Jakarta. The worst flooding in recent history took place in 2002, killing 31 people and forcing 300,000 residents to leave their homes.

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Pelanggan Keluhkan Pasokan Air dari PDAM (Customer complain about water supplies from PDAM - Majalengka)

Source: Pikiran Rakyat

Sudah 3 Hari tidak Mengalir

Sejumlah konsumen air PDAM di wilayah Majalengka mengeluhkan tersendatnya aliran air sejak tiga hari lalu. Akibatnya bagi yang tidak memiliki sumber air lain, hal itu cukup menyulitkan walau sekedar untuk minum. Kondisi tersebut disebabkan terputusnya pipa jaringan distribusi di wilayah hulu setelah pipa air rusak terbawa arus longsor.

Matinya aliran air menurut keterangan warga Bumi Cikal Asih, Desa Cikalong terjadi sejak Minggu (16/1) malam. Akibatnya warga sekitar terpaksa harus mengangkut air dari tetangga desa yang jaraknya cukup jauh atau sekira 2 km, karena di kompleks perumahan BCA tidak ada seorang pun yang memiliki sumur. "Untuk minum saja kami ngangkut dari Sukahaji, sementara mandi terpaksa hanya sekali sehari, atau sengaja ke kampung tetangga," ungkap Ani.

English Translation

Already 3 days did not flow

Several PDAM consumers of water in the Majalengka territory complain about tersendat him the water current since the last three days. As a result for that did not have the other source of water, that really cause difficulties for although only a to drink. This condition was caused terputus him the pipe of the network of the distribution in the upstream territory after the broken water pipe was brought by the landslide flow. The death of the water current according to Cikal Asih information of the citizen of the Earth, the Cikalong Village happened since Sunday night (16/1). As a result the citizen around was forced to have to carry water from the village neighbour that his distance quite distant or approximately 2 km, because in the BCA housing complex did not be a single that had the well.

Hal serupa juga dialami oleh warga di Sukahaji, Majalengka kota, Cijati, Jatipamor dan Munjul. Sebagian warga yang tidak memiliki sumur mengaku, untuk sekadar mencuci alat rumah tangga memanfaatkan air hujan. Sedang untuk mandi mengangkut dari rumah tetangga yang kebetulan memiliki sumur. Sebagian lagi mengaku menggunakan air kolam.

Beberapa konsumen berharap, agar PDAM segera melakukan perbaikan. Jika tidak pun, konsumen air harus tetap terlayani dengan cara pengiriman air ke perumahan penduduk, atau memanfaatkan kembali sumber air bawah tanah seperti yang dilakukan sebelumnya selama pipa saluran air dari Cisurian dan Cipadung diperbaiki.

Karena pada saat musim hujan kondisi air bawah tanah yang ada di Cigasong dan Tonjong diperkirakan akan sangat banyak sehingga tidak harus memanfaatkan sumber air alam dari Cisurian atau Cipadung.

Sementara itu sumber di PDAM Majalengka menyebutkan terputusnya aliran air ke konsumen akibat rusaknya pipa transmisi di Gunungherang, akibat pipa tersebut terbawa arus longsor yang terjadi Minggu sore. Tidak dijelaskan kapan perbaikan pipa tersebut bisa selesai. Hanya dimungkinkan perbaikan tersebut cukup lama karena medannya sangat sulit.

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Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Lumpur Cisadane Setebal 5 Meter dan Sepanjang 35 Km (5 metre thick mud along 35 km of Cisadane river)

Source: Suara Pembaruan

Sejumlah Daerah di Tangerang Terendam Air 50 - 70 Cm

TANGERANG - Endapan lumpur di Sungai Cisadane dari pintu air Kota Tangerang hingga ke hulu di kawasan Bopunjur sepanjang 35 km diperkirakan telah mencapai ketinggian sekitar 5 meter.

Jika tidak dilakukan pengerukan dikhawatirkan sungai akan makin mendangkal dan menjadi penyebab sungai meluap sehingga terjadinya banjir di kawasan yang dialiri sungai Cisadane. Demikian dikatakan Koordinator plh wilayah sungai Cidurian Cisadane kantor Pemeliharaan Sumber Daya Air (PSDA), Helnadi kepada Pembaruan di kantornya di pintu Air 10 Kota Tangerang Selasa (18/1).

English Translation

Several areas in Tangerang remained Water 50 - 70 Cm

Tangerang - mud Sediment in the Cisadane River from the Tangerang City lock as far as the upstream in the Bopunjur region along 35 km was estimated achieved the height around 5 metre.

If being not done by the dredging it was worried about the river would increasingly became shallow and became the cause of the river overflowed so as the occurrence of the flood in the region that was passed through the Cisadane river. Was like this it was said the Co-ordinator plh the Cidurian Cisadane river territory the office of the Maintenance of Water resources (PSDA), Helnadi to Reform in his office in the lock of 10 Tangerang cities Tuesday (18/1).

Menurut Helnadi, endapan lumpur terus terjadi karena terjadinya erosi di kawasan Bogor Puncak Cianjur yang mencapai 400 ton/tahun/hektare. Padahal toleransi erosi idealnya hanya sekitar 31 ton/tahun/hektare. Hal ini terjadinya karena pembabatan hutan yang luar biasa di daerah Bopunjur yang merupakan daerah konservasi hutan.

Dikatakan, endapan lumpur di sungai bukan hanya dikhawatirkan menjadi penyebab banjir di musim hujan tetapi juga jika musim kemarau tiba karena akan menjadi penyebab kurangnya persediaan air. Krisis air akan mengancam wilayah-wilayah yang sangat bergantung pada keberadaan Sungai Cisadane.

Pendangkalan sungai di wilayah Kota Tangerang terlihat di kawasan Kalipasir. Kedalaman sungai disana mencapai 15 meter tetapi kini hanya sekitar 10 meter, sebab ketebalan lumpur mencapai lima meter.

Menurut Helnadi, endapan lumpur di Sungai Cisadane ini diperkirakan akan makin menebal apalagi pemerintah pusat maupun daerah tahun ini tidak menganggarkan biaya untuk pengerukan. "Tahun lalu pengerukan dilakukan di sekitar pintu air 10 Kota Tangerang dan berhasil mengangkat lumpur sekitar 20.000 meter kubik," ujarnya.

Sementara itu, ketinggian air di Sungai Cisadane masih dipertahankan setinggi 12,40 meter. Pada Selasa pagi setelah hujan lebat melanda Kota Tangerang pintu air sempat dibuka dan petugas melepas air sebanyak 134,87 m3. Namun, sejak Selasa siang pelepasan air di pintu air dikembalikan pada posisi normal sebanyak 70 m3 per hari.

Pelepasan air sebesar itu, ujar Helnadi, untuk mengairi daerah irigasi intik barat dan intik timur yang sudah memasuki musim tanam I. Intik barat meliputi wilayah Mauk, Kesek, Rajeg, Sepatan, Pasar Kamis, Kronjo, Balaraja dan Sukadiri. Sedangkan intik timur meliputi wilayah Teluknaga dan Kosambi.

50-70 Cm

Sementara itu, hujan yang melanda Tangerang sejak Selasa malam hingga Rabu dinihari membuat sejumlah wilayah terendam air dengan ketinggian 50 - 70 cm. Empat kecamatan yang terendam yakni Kecamatan Karang Tengah meliputi perkampungan Pondok Bahar RT 01, Perumahan Ciledug Indah Blok B dan E, serta Perumahan Puri Kartika meliputi RT 04, 05.

Di Kecamatan Ciledug, Perumahan Tajur kelurahan Sudimara Timur dan Perumahan Puri Kartika RW 04, RT 05. Selanjutnya Kecamatan Priuk, meliputi Perumahan Total Persada RT 09 dan 10, RW 08 yang berasal dari rembesan Kali Cirarap.

Di jalan penghubung antara Perumahan Total Persada dan Perumahan Villa Regency air tergenang setinggi 50 cm. Banjir juga menggenangi perumahan Pepabri atau Gebang Raya setinggi 20 cm. Lokasi banjir lainnya di Perumahan Pondok Arum Kelurahan Nambo Jaya.

Sementara itu, data dari PSDA (Pengendalian Sumber Daya Air), ketinggian air di Sungai Cisadane makin tinggi. Ini merupakan air kiriman dari Bogor, sehingga pintu air 10 yang berada di Kota Tangerang, Rabu pagi sempat dibuka untuk mencegah Cisadane meluap. Tim PSDA ini menetapkan Siaga I

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Government pledges annulment of bothersome local regulations

Source: The Jakarta Post

The central government pledged on Tuesday to immediately revoke inappropriate regulations issued by local administrations that have increased the cost of doing business in the country and created a lack of legal certainty for investors.

The pledge was conveyed following criticism from a number of business lobby groups and investors that the central government has been largely powerless in preventing regional governments from issuing inappropriate regulations.

"My ministry is currently working together with the Ministry of Home Affairs to review a number of regional regulations that have undermined our business climate," said Minister for Justice and Human Rights, Hamid Awaluddin, in front of foreign and local investors during the Infrastructure Summit, held to lure billions of dollars in new investment to finance badly needed economic infrastructure.

Hamid said that the ministry would review local regional rulings that went against the interests of the public by creating a high-cost economy.

In addition, regulations that contradicted higher rulings or laws would also be revoked.

Hamid refused to disclose the number of these inappropriate regional regulations, but according to the Ministry of Home Affairs there are at least 100 such regulations.

Under existing laws, the Ministry of Home Affairs is the only institution authorized to revoke local rulings, after a joint review with the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights.

However, critics have said that these regulations have been untouched due mainly to bureaucratic constraints and alleged corrupt practices, particularly on the part of bureaucrats within the Ministry of Home Affairs.

The regional autonomy drive launched a few years ago provided greater power for local administrations in managing their economic and social affairs, prompting many of them to issue rulings to generate more income for their administrations, but often at the expense of the business sector.

According to the autonomy law, local regulations are automatically put into effect if there is no rejection from the Ministry of Home Affairs within three months of the regulation being issued.

Recently issued local regulations deemed inappropriate by the business community include those affecting the management of seaports and airports, and the acquisition of land for infrastructure projects.

One such example is the lingering dispute between the Cilegon municipality and state-owned port operator PT Pelindo that has the authority over local seaports.

The East Java provincial government is also currently in dispute with the Madura and Lamongan regents over the construction of seaports in East Java.

Local administrations have been blamed for the sharp increase in the price of land dedicated for infrastructure projects, by issuing rulings that have led to price rises.

Hamid said that Minister for Home Affairs Muhammad Ma'ruf had pledged to jointly review all inappropriate policies.

"I can assure you that the government is serious in resolving legal problems experienced by investors," Hamid said.

During the investment forum, most investors also raised concerns over the country's poor court system due to rampant corruption, as well as the lack of legal and economic knowledge of judges dealing with investment and business disputes.

Investors have proposed the possibility of obtaining legal protection and guarantees directly from the government in developing infrastructure projects.

Hamid said the government could not interfere in court processes as courts are independent institutions.

"There is currently ongoing reform of the legal system by the Supreme Court. We are optimistic that the court will be more professional in coming years," said Hamid.

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SOEs seek partners in infrastructure projects: Minister

Source: The Jakarta Post

State-owned enterprises are ready to become investors' strategic partners and have already contributed one-fifth of the total funds needed for infrastructure projects in the country during the next five years, the SOE minister says.

"From US$150 billion in funds needed to build infrastructure nationwide in the next five years, projects by SOEs have contributed up to Rp 306 trillion ($32.43 billion)," State Minister of State Enterprises Sugiharto said on Tuesday.

Among these SOEs are state-owned electricity company PT PLN, tap water operator PAM, toll road operator PT Jasa Marga, seaport operator PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Pelindo) and airport operator PT Angkasa Pura.

Most of 91 projects offered at the two-day Infrastructure Summit are SOE-driven. Since they do not have enough funds to finance the projects, the government has invited local and global investors to put their money into infrastructure development.

Sugiharto said the government wanted SOEs to lead the development of infrastructure in the country and several restructures and regulatory reforms had been made to encourage investors.

The debt-ridden PLN had been restructured and Sugiharto projected the company would book a profit for the first time in several years.

"I guarantee that PLN will deliver its contractual obligations to investors," he said, adding that PLN would have strong cash flow this year and would not default to independent power producer PT Paiton Energy or others.

International energy company Paiton has invested to produce a total of 1,200 megawatts of power in the country and is still owed money by the ailing PLN.

Nevertheless, Paiton is committed to expand another 800 Megawatts worth around $1 billion to meet the needs in Java, said Phillip Cox, CEO of UK-based International Power Plc., which partially owned Paiton.

In a future partnership, Paiton was looking for long term security, sanctity of contract and a strong payment record from partners, notably PLN.

"We will be making significant capital investment and just want to be sure we are going to get the return that we require."

Paiton wanted to see the government backed contracts, which it wanted it in U.S. dollar denominations because "that is principally the currency of the asset that we build and a lot of the finance that we grow."

Infrastructure development projects to be accomplished by SOEs and Regional Owned Enterprises (ROEs) from 2005 to 2009 (in Rp trillions):

Jasa Marga 85.24
PLN 78.96
Perum Perumnas 12.53
Kereta Api Indonesia 27.50
PGN 40.67
Angkasa Pura I 3.52
Angkasa Pura II 7.73
Pelindo I 1.86
Pelindo II 9.71
Pelindo III 2.28
Pelindo IV 3.63
PDAM* 25.94
Perum Jasa Tirta I 0.28
Perum Jasa Tirta II 6.06
Total 305.89

Source: Office of State Minister of State Enterprises

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Govt told to remedy legal uncertainties

Source: The Jakarta Post

Despite assurances from the President, Vice President and other top government officials that their money was safe here, some investors at the Infrastructure Summit on Tuesday remained concerned whether the reform commitments could be translated into action by the country's weak bureaucracy.

Meanwhile, AFP reported that the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank and Japan have agreed to provide up to US$5 billion worth of loans as a catalyst for other investors to invest in Indonesia's power sector, roads and other infrastructure facilities.

The concerns of foreign investors are primarily centered on two long-running issues: legal uncertainty and rampant corruption.

"We have been operating here for more than eight years. Through that period we have learned that legal uncertainty has become the main problem for the business community," Philippe Louis-Dreyfus, president of French trading, property and shipping group Louis-Dreyfus Armateurs, said on Tuesday at the end of the two-day summit.

He said legal certainty was crucial to investors because investment in the infrastructure sector was a long-term investment involving a huge amount of money, and investors would need at least 10 years before they could start enjoying a return on their investment.

The chairman of Singapore Power, Ng Kee Choe, agreed. "We are afraid that investment in Indonesia may run aground as there is a huge possibility of legal disputes either with our local partner or with the government as a result of legal uncertainty."

Japan Sumitomo Corporation chairman Kenji Miyahara said another area that had to be tackled by the government was the rampant corruption that contributed to the high cost of doing business in the country.

"Indonesia will remain uncompetitive compared to other countries unless it manages to reduce the rampant corruption," he said.

During the key investment forum, held to attract about US$120 billion worth of investment to develop the country's infrastructure over the next five years, the government promised it would move swiftly to fix the weak investment climate here and provide various incentives for investors through what it called a "new partnership".

In what may be part of the efforts to ease investor concerns, the government signed the Jakarta Declaration with representatives of companies from 20 participating countries in the summit. The declaration underscores the government's commitment to remove all bureaucratic hurdles to private sector investment.

The government promised to finalize all of the required policies to improve the investment climate, as well as revising any problematic regulations, within six-months. It also pledged to honor all contracts made with the private sector.

"We have to make this work otherwise that's it, we will never be able to do this again," said Vice President Jusuf Kalla at the summit's closing ceremony, underlining the government's commitment to the infrastructure projects.

Attended by more than 500 companies from 20 countries around the world, the government offered some 91 projects valued at US$22.5 billion during the summit. A second batch of projects valued at about $57.5 billion will be offered during a summit in November.

"Under the new government, legal certainty is here and will remain," said Minister of Justice and Human Rights Hamid Awaluddin.

"I am aware that my country's bureaucrats need to be improved and the regulations should be made more investor friendly," said Coordinating Minister for the Economy Aburizal Bakrie, adding that a number of investors from several countries had expressed interest in investing here.

But Deutsche Bank director for Singapore Paul Sempere said that despite the assurances, there remained questions about whether the government could realize its promises.

"The intention is always good at the top, but to translate these intentions into reality in the bureaucracy is another question," he said.

He said investors would wait until the government was able to fulfill its commitments on private investment.

"I think the way forward is to use some pilot projects ... a maximum of two or three pilot projects in each of these sectors, and push that," he said.

Jakarta Declaration

* Indonesia's Vision for Infrastructure Development

- Government will focus on non-commercially viable projects

_ Government will focus on sectoral reforms to ensure

sustainable private sector participation

- Government will enact program to support greater private sector involvement in infrastructure

* Removing Bureaucratic Hurdles for Private Investment

- All contractual commitments will be honored

- Develop clearly articulated strategies and sectoral plans

- Invite investors to participate in upcoming fast-track infrastructure investments

- Issue an interim regulation that addresses the issue of private participation in infrastructure development

- Issue a regulation that will serve as the basis for private participation

- Committed to revise law No. 36/1999 on telecommunications

- Develop pragmatic and effective risk management strategies

- Develop local financial and capital markets for infrastructure financing

- Revise Presidential Decree No. 7 on private participation in infrastructure development

- Develop action plan for independent tariff setting mechanism

- Strengthen regulatory agencies by providing the necessary budget and staff

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Residents seek closure of polluting companies

Source: The Jakarta Post

Furious residents of Sukabumi Selatan subdistrict in West Jakarta demanded on Tuesday that the City Council close down dozens of laundry companies that have allegedly caused serious pollution in their areas.

Protesting in front of the council building on Jl. Kebon Sirih, Central Jakarta, the residents said the companies had disposed of liquid waste directly into Pasanggrahan and Sekretaris rivers without treating it first.

Mifdol, one of the residents, said they could no longer drink water from artesian wells as it had been contaminated by hazardous substances from the companies.

He said there were over 55 laundry firms washing blue jeans there. He said detergents and blue dye from the jeans had polluted both the rivers and their surrounding areas.

"Councillors are our last hope because officials from subdistrict to municipal level have ignored our protests," Mifdol said.

The residents have also accused those companies of using vast amounts of groundwater, causing people living in the vicinity to suffer water shortages.

Anwar, another resident, said many people -- particularly those whose houses are close to the firms -- have complained that, since last year, they could no longer pump up groundwater.

According to officials from the city industry agency and the city mining agency, many of those companies are not equipped with complete documents, including permits for pumping up groundwater.

Several residents said the companies had begun their operations in those areas in the early 1990s. But residents had only protested recently after realizing the impact of the pollution on their environment.

The demonstrators were received by members of Commission D for development affairs and commission A for legal and administrative affairs.

Commission D deputy chairman Muhayar promised to check the locations next week. He said the council might recommend the closure of those companies if they were indeed illegal and the pollution charges were proved.

Governor Sutiyoso previously said that the city administration would not change the land use plan for Sukabumi Selatan subdistrict from a residential area into an industrial zone.

Chairman of the Jakarta Environmental Management Agency (BPLHD) Kosasih Wirahadikusumah made a similar statement on Tuesday, saying that those companies had violated the city's land use plan.

He said the city administration would close down those companies because they had violated several regulations including the illegal use of groundwater and disposing of waste without treatment.

He suggested that those companies relocate their operations to the Pulo Gadung industrial zone in East Jakarta so that they would not disturb residential areas.

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Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Guarantee facilities to be provided for investors

Source: The Jakarta Post

The government is mulling the provision of guarantee facilities to help mitigate the risks for investors in developing the country's infrastructure, in particular the power and toll road sectors -- a move aimed at reducing uncertainty.

Minister of Finance Yusuf Anwar said on Monday the government would work with the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to explore specific guarantee instruments in selected projects offered at the Indonesian Infrastructure Summit.

"We are going all out to restore investor confidence for infrastructure development. We will establish a framework for risk mitigation and sharing to attract investment," said Yusuf during the summit on Monday.

The government would, at least for now, outline its policy regarding risk sharing in two key infrastructure facilities; power and toll roads.

In the power sector, such a guarantee will cover the construction completion risks, in which the government will cover any costs resulting from a delay because of a mix-up on the part of the government. The guarantee would be in the form of contractual provisions and/or other commercial instruments.

Risks associated with power supply would be mitigated through technical assistance contracts and commercial insurance coverage.

The government will also be exploring options to cover risks associated with a rise in fuel costs. However, it will only examine the risks on a case by case basis.

Concerning political, regulatory and currency risks, the government will consider bearing those costs, except in the case of force majeure.

Regarding efforts in mitigating the risks for toll road investment, ways are being considered to help resolve land acquisition problems -- which have long been a sensitive issue -- including setting up a fund-gathering mechanism in which the government may acquire the land for toll road projects using such funds.

Under this scheme, the company will repay to the government the cost of the land, once it is awarded a contract to develop a toll road project -- in some cases, the government will allow the company to repay it over an extended period.

In terms of land price, the government is also mulling options to cover such a risk, in which it will guarantee the agreed price for the land. If the eventual price is higher than the agreed one, then the government will cover the price difference.

Other risk-mitigation efforts is the possibility the government will undertake specific action under special circumstances, where land conflicts involve the development of crucial public works.

Elsewhere, Yusuf also said the World Bank and the ADB would likely agree to provide about 10 percent of the financing needs for the country's massive infrastructure projects, which is estimated to be about US$150 billion; primarily on projects related to water sanitation.

Yusuf added that the two agencies might provide softer terms and conditions for project loans other than infrastructure.

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Government's Infrastucture Presentation Promising

Source: The Jakarta Post

Dutch water company Waterleidingmaatschappij Drenthe director KJ Hoogsteen told The Jakarta Post that the government's presentation was quite promising, although he would need to see how the policies promised would be implemented.

"I'm looking forward to seeing how will it fix the legal framework in the water supply sector, as many of the regulations contradict each other," he said on the sidelines of the summit.

Foreign players in the water supply sector have complained of legal uncertainty as bylaws issued by local administrations often contradict central government rulings.

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Govt rolls out red carpet for investors

Source: The Jakarta Post

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono promised foreign investors on Monday a much better investment climate as the government aims to lure a whopping US$120 billion in new investment for the development of roads, power plants and other crucial infrastructure facilities over the next five years.

He said the government planned a "new partnership" that would help ensure legal certainty for investors and aimed to eliminate distortions to investment and economic activities through improved tax and fiscal policies, an efficient and effective administration and higher economic competitiveness.

"We'll eliminate obstructions that have impeded investment and economic activities," Susilo said at the opening of the two-day Infrastructure Summit, which nearly 600 domestic and foreign investors attended.

He explained that the lack of infrastructure in the country -- as a result of years of neglect since the 1997 regional economic crisis -- had led to, among other things, long traffic jams, power outages and bottlenecks at seaports, all of which hampered economic activities and increased the cost of doing business here.

The government has said it would need around $145 billion for the development of various infrastructure facilities on top of $4 billion for infrastructure in tsunami-ravaged Aceh.

Some $25 billion, or 17 percent of the funding needed, is expected to come from the state budget; $30 billion from domestic finance institutions; $10 billion from foreign donors; and the $80 billion bulk from private and foreign investors.

During the investment forum, the government offered 91 infrastructure projects worth $22.5 billion to foreign and domestic investors. The government will start the bidding process in February.

Coordinating Minister for the Economy Aburizal Bakrie said the next batch of infrastructure projects worth $57.5 billion would be offered in November.

He previously said that investment in the infrastructure sector would generate a healthy investment return of between 15 and 23 percent.

Fixing the infrastructure sector is crucial to help the country enjoy higher economic growth of at least 6 percent per year, the minimum growth level needed to help resolve the chronic unemployment problem. The largest Southeast Asian economy has been growing at an average of around 4 percent over past years as investors have been reluctant to pour in new money due to a variety of reasons, including legal uncertainty, security concerns, corruption and the threat of terrorism.

Susilo said the country's failure to rebound from the 1997 financial crisis was partly due to its poor infrastructure, which discouraged badly needed new investment.

Some 45 percent of households in Indonesia have no electricity. The country also has the lowest telephone access rate in the Asian region, with only four out of 100 Indonesians having ready access to telephones.

Meanwhile, Dutch water company Waterleidingmaatschappij Drenthe director KJ Hoogsteen told The Jakarta Post that the government's presentation was quite promising, although he would need to see how the policies promised would be implemented.

"I'm looking forward to seeing how will it fix the legal framework in the water supply sector, as many of the regulations contradict each other," he said on the sidelines of the summit.

Foreign players in the water supply sector have complained of legal uncertainty as bylaws issued by local administrations often contradict central government rulings.

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Sungai Cipelang Meluap (Cipelang river overflows)

Source: Pikiran Rakyat

Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Cipelang di sekitar Desa Cepelang dan Desa/Kecamatan Ujungjaya Kabupaten Sumedang yang bermuara ke DAS Cimanuk, Minggu (16/1) malam meluap. Akibatnya, cukup parah. Rumah-rumah dan areal pertanian penduduk yang ada di sekitarnya, beberapa jam sempat terendam hingga mencapai kedalaman lebih dari satu meter, bahkan luapan airnya telah menjebol pula bagian dinding beberapa rumah penduduk.

Tidak ada korban jiwa manusia dalam peristiwa tersebut, sedangkan kerugian materi ditaksir mencapai ratusan juta rupiah. Sementara itu, luapan air dari Sungai Cipelang itu sendiri, menurut sejumlah penduduk yang dihubungi "PR", Senin (17/1) di perkampungan yang terkena banjir dari sungai tersebut, mulai terjadi sekira pukul 20.00 WIB, dan baru mulai surut kembali menginjak sekira pukul 23.00 WIB.

English Translation

the River Basin (DAS) Cipelang around the Cepelang Village and the Village/the Subdistrict Ujungjaya the Sumedang Regency that flowed into the Cimanuk BANG, on Sunday night (16/1) overflowed.As a result, quite serious. Houses and the available area of the inhabitants's agriculture around it, several hours could remain until achieving the depth more than one metre, in fact his overflowing of water broke also down the wall part of several of the inhabitants's houses. There were no human fatalities in this incident, whereas the material loss it was estimated reached hundreds of millions rupiah. In the meantime, the overflowing of water from the Cipelang River personally, according to several inhabitants who were contacted by "PR", on Monday (17/1) in the affected settlement of the flood from this river, began to happen approximately struck 20.00 WIB, and just began to subside again step on approximately struck 23.00 WIB.

Dari keterangan penduduk serta pengamatan "PR" di lokasi, luapan air dari sungai tersebut, di antaranya melanda perkampungan penduduk Dusun Leuwi Awi, dan Dusun Nanjungjaya, Desa Ujungjaya, serta puluhan hektare sawah berisi tanaman padi mendekati usia panen di Desa Cipelang, Sakurjaya, serta di Desa Ujungjaya sendiri.

Berdasarkan pengamatan serta keterangan penduduk pula, luapan air Cipelang pada Minggu malam paling parah melanda perkampungan penduduk Dusun Selaawi dan Nanjungjaya. Di kedua perkampungan yang saling berbatasan itu, kedalaman air pada saat terjadi luapan di bebrapa lokasi perumahan sempat mencapai satu meter lebih. Bahkan akibat luapan air tersebut, di Dusun Selaawi sedikitnya tercatat ada delapan rumah penduduk mengalami kerusakan ringan dan sedang, masing-masing milik Ata, Nana, yaya, Ny. Ipik, Ny. Empat, Ny. Ani, dan Maman, dan rumah Ny. Upit.

Bentuk kerusakan yang dialami antara lain, berupa jebolnya beberapa bagian dinding tembok dan melepuhnya lantai rumah. Selain itu, masih di dusun tersebut juga terdapat delapan buah kolam milik penduduk setempat yang turut terlibas dan terendam luapan air DAS Sipelang, masing-masing milik Ata, Medi, Cece, Ny. Sutiah, Rastam, Uka, Yusup, dan Enci.

Akibat luapan air di Dusun Selaawi yang baru surut, Senin (17/1) sekira pukul 8.00 WIB., itu, terdata sementara telah melenyapkan pula sedikitnya 9 ekor kambing dan sekira 40 ekor ayam milik penduduk, yang diduga terbawa hanyut dari kandangnya masing-masing.

Camat Kecamatan Ujungjaya, Denny Tanrus, S.Ip., yang ditemui "PR" secara terpisah di kantor kecamatannya, Senin (17/1) sore, menyebutkan banjir langganan yang melanda beberapa wilayah perkampungan penduduk dan areal pertanian itu.

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Monday, January 17, 2005

Summit kicks off, offers $22b projects

Source: The Jakarta Post

The much-anticipated Infrastructure Summit, in which the government will offer 91 infrastructure projects worth US$22.5 billion, kicks off on Monday -- a crucial test to gauge investors' interest in the country.

The government, which has seen investors fleeing in droves over the past several years, will offer projects spanning across the archipelago during the 2005-2009 period in priority sectors such as toll roads, gas pipelines, power, airports, seaports, tap water, railroads and telecommunications.

The massive projects are designed to lure investment and boost economic indices, particularly employment, in accordance with President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's goal of pushing annual average growth over 6 percent.

Coordinating Minister for the Economy Aburizal Bakrie told a press briefing on Sunday that the country would need up to $150 billion -- an upward revision from the $75 billion -- to finance the infrastructure-related projects in the next five years.

Of the total, one-third will be funded by domestic sources including the state budget, while multilateral lenders are expected to contribute some $10 billion, leaving global private investors to kick in for the $90 billion that remains.

"The $22.5 billion worth of projects on offer at the summit are the first batch of the $90 billion. We'll offer other projects, which will be worth $57.5 billion, in the second batch scheduled for November," Aburizal said.

Minister of Transportation Hatta Radjasa also said that among the projects offered, nine of them would come from his office.

Those projects comprise the overhaul of Soekarno-Hatta international airport, the construction of new airports in Medan, North Sumatra; Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara and Makassar, South Sulawesi.

For seaports, the projects include the construction of the Jakarta New Port, Bojonegara port in Banten, Balikpapan port in East Kalimantan and the Lamong Bay port which forms part of the extension project of Tanjung Perak port of Surabaya.

Hatta said that the government also would offer the construction of a rail network from Soekarno-Hatta International Airport to Manggarai station in South Jakarta.

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Taps drying up because of lack of investment

Source: The Jakarta Post

Aside from traffic congestion, annual flooding and garbage disposal problems, poor tap water supply is another common complaint of Jakartans.

Sari, a resident of Kelapa Gading in North Jakarta, complains that she does not get proper service although she pays her bills punctually.

"I thought when the tap water supply was handled by a private operator, the service would improve. So far, I am still unsatisfied," the housewife in her 50s told The Jakarta Post.

As water only runs at noon and late at night, residents are forced to store water for use other times.

Sari is not alone. An expatriate living in Central Jakarta has to buy gallons of mineral water for bathing whenever the flow stops.

The privatization of tap water service still fails to satisfy customers although the original idea was to improve services and efficiency.

The two foreign partners of city-run tap water company PD PAM Jaya, namely Thames PAM Jaya (TPJ) and PAM Lyonnaise Jaya (Palyja), have yet to meet customers' expectations due to problems of having to overcome historical losses and debt as well as difficulties in determining adequate water rates.

Moreover, tap water in the country is still strongly perceived as a social service, while the water rate is determined by a political decision. This has kept it at a lower rate than the average operating cost.

With more private players in the sector, customers would enjoy better services and cheaper prices amid increased competition.

Tap water operators have to deal with the decreasing availability of "raw" water in quality and quantity.

The development of the tap water sector in Indonesia commenced in 1970. Although still unable to cope with the population growth, which increases at an average of 4 percent per year, the production capacity of tap water has rapidly increased from 9,000 liters per second in 1970 to 94,000 liters per second in 1997.

But the monetary crisis hit Asia in mid 1997, including Indonesia, thus making it hard to maintain the average annual growth of around 3,100 liters per second.

Following the implementation of regional autonomy, local administrations now have the authority to determine tap water piping system.

At the moment, there are 316 regional administration-owned tap water companies (PDAM) nationwide. Most of the companies are technically bankrupt due to historical debts, lack of investment, rundown assets and poor management.

The situation has been worsened with the regional administration's lack of knowledge and experience to draw up contracts with private sectors and most development projects are too small for major global utility companies.

The political-based rates has made it hard for the companies to get fresh investment as several billion dollars are needed for the capital alone.

Investment required for water supply in Indonesia until 2009 is projected at Rp 16 trillion (US$1.74 billion), or approximately Rp 3.2 trillion per year.

To improve the condition, the government will offer 24 tap water projects worth $372 million during the Infrastructure Summit on Monday and Tuesday.

The Office of the Coordinating Minister for the Economy had issued a decree in 2002, stipulating the establishment of a sub-committee for the improvement of PDAM. The purpose of the sub-committee, among others, is to formulate the policy and strategy on the improvement of PDAM.

In 2003, six main policies to improve PDAM were formulated. The first three policies were redefining tap water institution, the implementation of professional tap water management based on entrepreneurship principles and improving the quality of tap water services in accordance with the full cost recovery principle without ignoring the interest of low-income people.

The rest included accelerating PDAM debt settlement by observing the company's capability and the regional administration, establishing and improving the coverage of drink water services for the community and increasing government support on the aspects of management, technical-technology, funding system and adequate supply of water.

The government and the Association of Tap Water in Indonesia (Perpamsi) have discussed this with various bodies, including the House of Representatives, in an effort to reduce PDAMs debt that reaches more than Rp 4 trillion.

The government has to move fast in fixing regulations to lure more investors into the country, considering the majority of Indonesia's 220 million population consume water from unprotected water sources, as only 39 percent of the urban population and 6 percent of the rural population have access to piped clean water.

However, even those who have access to piped clean water occasionally hardly receive a drip at the end of the pipe, as Sari illustrated.

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Jakarta offers seaport, sewage projects at summit

Source: The Jakarta Post

The Jakarta administration will propose several vital projects during the Infrastructure Summit 2005 here on Jan. 17 and Jan. 18.

"Several projects top the priority list, including a seaport, tap water and sewage system projects," Jakarta Deputy Governor Fauzi Bowo said over the weekend.

The development of a new international port in the city is necessary to help boost the city's revenue, Fauzi said.

He said Tanjung Priok Port in North Jakarta, which is managed by state port operator Pelindo II, failed to provide good services because it was not integrated with other supporting infrastructure in the city, including roads and a clean water supply.

Fauzi said the only way to make a port competitive was to interconnect its infrastructure with supporting infrastructure in the city.

"We have to try to provide services on the same level as other ports in Southeast Asia," he said.

The administration and city-owned developer PT Marindo Bahtera Development have discussed plans to construct a US$500 million multipurpose port in East Ancol, North Jakarta.

In addition to port infrastructure, Jakarta also is facing problems providing clean water for about 10 million people in the city, as most of the pipe network is old and in poor condition.

The city also has been unable to solve its liquid waste problems given the absence of an integrated sewage system in the city.

Fauzi said these priority projects would be addressed by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono during the summit.

Governor Sutiyoso said earlier the President had also promised to bring the development of an ambitious Mass Rapid Transit system for the capital to the summit.

"The National Development Planning Agency has said that the subway has been put on its shortlist of projects," said Sutiyoso,

The Jakarta administration and the central government will jointly finance the US$767 million project beginning next year.

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Dewan Meminta Neraca Keuangan PDAM Ciamis (The council asked for the Balance of Finance of PDAM Ciamis)

Source: Pikiran Rakyat

Mengalami Kerugian Setiap Tahun

Dewan Kabupaten Ciamis, telah minta laporan lengkap neraca keuangan Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM) milik Pemkab Ciamis, untuk tahun 2003 dan 2004. Permintaan itu disampaikan, sehubungan sejak tahun 2001 lalu hingga sekarang, PDAM Ciamis ini mengalami kerugian cukup besar.

"Kami dari Komisi II DPRD Ciamis, telah resmi minta laporan neraca keuangan secara langkap. Dengan demikian, dewan bisa mempelajari atau mengkaji secara lebih jauh, kenapa perusahaan daerah ini, mengalami kerugian terus," kata Ketua Komisi II Dewan Ciamis, Toto Tobari dan anggotanya Didi Sukardi, kepada "PR" Minggu (16/1) di Ciamis.

English Translation

Experienced the Loss Every Year
Ciamis, (PR).-
the Ciamis Regency Council, asked for the complete report on the balance of finance of the Company of the Area of the Drinking Water (PDAM) belonging to Pemkab Ciamis, during 2003 and 2004. The request was sent, in connection with since last 2001 till now, this PDAM Ciamis experienced the loss quite big. "We from the Commission Ii DPRD Ciamis, has official asked the report on the balance of finance in a langkap manner." Therefore, the council could study or studied in a manner more distant, why this regional company, experienced the loss continued, said the Chairman of the Commission Ii the Ciamis Council, Toto Tobari and his member Didi Sukardi, to "PR" Sunday (16/1) in Ciamis.

Sebelumnya Komisi II DPRD Ciamis telah melakukan kunjungan kerja ke perusahaan milik Pemkab Ciamis itu. Mereka diterima jajaran direksi yang dipimpin Dirut PDAM Ciamis, Dik-dik Sidiq. Dalam kesempatan itu Dirut PDAM Ciamis menyampaikan laporan bahwa sejak tahun 2001, perusahaan ini rugi terus.

Kerugian yang dialami oleh perusahaan ini, pada 2001 sebesar Rp 150 juta, lalu tahun berikutnya kerugian malah tambah besar Rp 649 juta, dan tahun 2003 rugi sebesar Rp 118 juta. Pada tahun 2004, dari laporan yang sedang disusun, juga kondisinya tidak akan jauh berbeda yaitu kemungkinan mengalami kerugian.

Kerugian ini terjadi, karena biaya produksi cukup besar. Hanya saja, kata anggota Dewan Didi Sukardi, sebagai wakil rakyat pihaknya ingin mengkaji secara lebih jauh soal kerugian ini, mengingat ada hal mesti dikaji lagi secara mendalam. Makanya, dewan minta laporan neraca keuangan lengkap, minimal untuk dua tahun terakhir.

Diharapan pada bulan Februari mendatang, neraca itu sudah diserahkan ke dewan, sehingga setelah itu akan ada kajian secara mendalam. "Kita akan kembali melakukan rapat kerja dengan PDAM setelah selesai mengkaji neracanya," papar Didi Sukardi.

Di tempat terpisah, Wali Kota Banjar Herman Sutrisno, optimis PDAM Kota Banjar, bisa meraup keuntungan, mengingat selama ini Banjar yang memiliki 6.600 pelanggan lebih telah mampu memberikan keuntungan ke Ciamis secara kesinambungan. Setelah sekarang mandiri atau lepas dari Ciamis, PDAM Banjar akan semakin sehat. Ia telah minta kepada jajaran direksi untuk bekerja keras memajukan perusahaan daerah ini. Bahkan, ia berharap pelayanan ditambah luas, terutama mengembangkan sayap ke daerah Langensari.

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Tanpa Tutup (Not Closed)

Source: Pikiran Rakyat

SEBUAH lubang riol tanpa tutup dibiarkan terbuka dan hanya dihalangi ban bekas oleh warga untuk menghindari adanya pemakai jalan di Jalan Holis Bandung, Minggu (16/1). Kondisi ini cukup berbahaya, mengingat lubang tersebut terletak agak ke tengah jalan dan kerap membuat arus lalu lintas macet saat kendaraan yang melintas di kawasan ini padat.* DUDI SUGANDI/"PR"

English Translation

A sewer holes without being closed was allowed to be open and only was obstructed the second-hand tyre by the citizen to avoid the existence of the user of the road in the Road of Holis Bandung, on Sunday (16/1). This condition quite dangerous, remembered this hole was located rather to the middle of the road and often made the traffic flow stall when the vehicle that passed by in this region was dense. DUDI SUGANDI/PR

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Sunday, January 16, 2005

Perbaikan Jaringan Air Bersih di Aceh Butuh 2 Tahun (Improvement of the Clean water Network in Aceh Needs 2 years)

Source: TEMPO Interaktif

Solo:Pembangunan kembali infrastrukur air bersih di Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam yang hancur karena gempa diperkirakan membutuhkan waktu paling cepat dua tahun. Adapun dana yang dibutuhkan sekitar Rp 1,5 triliun. “Beberapa stasiun pengolahan air ada yang selamat tetapi jaringan pipa distribusi air, sistem sanitasi, dan juga fasilitas air minum hancur total dan tidak bisa dipergunakan lagi,” ujar Sekjen Persatuan Perusahaan Air Minum Indonesia, Abimanyu, Minggu (16/1) di Solo, Jawa Tengah.

English Translation

Solo: the Development came back infrastrukur clean water in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam that was destroyed because the earthquake it was estimated needed time fastest two years. Adapun the fund that was needed around Rp 1,5 trillion. “Beberapa the station of the processing of water was that congratulations but the network of the pipe of the distribution of water, the sanitation system, but also drinking water facilities were destroyed the total and could not be utilised lagi,” said SecGen Persatuan Perusahaan Air Minum Indonesia, Abimanyu, Sunday (16/1) in the Solo, Central Java.

Menurut Abimanyu, selain merusak hampir seluruh sistem jaringan air bersih yang ada, dan mencemari lingkungan, gempa dan tsunami juga mengubah daerah serapan air. Sementara ini untuk penyediaan air bersih bagi puluhan ribu warga Aceh dalam jangka pendek adalah dengan cara memanfaatkan sumber air bawah permukaan. “Kalau mengandalkan air sumur, sudah kemasukan air laut yang terkontaminasi dengan berbagai bakteri jelas riskan," ujar Abimanyu, yang juga Direktur Utama Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum Solo ini

Organisasinya saat ini tengah mengupayakan untuk mendapatkan dana dari dunia internasional, termasuk Bank Dunia untuk membiaya rehabilitasi seluruh infrastruktur air bersih di Aceh. Untuk membantu pengadaan air bersih, Perpamsi telah mengirimkan sejumlah pompa air. “Posko pengendalian air bersih Perpamsi ada di Medan dan Meulaboh,” ujarnya

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Saturday, January 15, 2005

Bupati Subang Akui PDAM Belum Optimal (Subang Regent acknowledges PDAM not yet optimal)

Source: Pikiran Rakyat

Untuk Memenuhi Kebutuhan Air Bersih Masyarakat

Bupati Subang Drs. Eep Hidayat mengakui PDAM pelayanan yang diberikan PDAM Kab. Subang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air bersih masih kurang. Hal tersebut disebabkan terbatasnya kapasitas produksi yang dimiliki PDAM. Untuk meningkatkan kapasitas menjadi 5 kali dari kapasitas sekarang memerlukan biaya yang cukup tinggi.

"Cakupan pelayanan pada saat ini baru 37% dari penduduk pada wilayah pelayanan, dimana untuk memenuhi secara keseluruhan PDAM harus meningkatkan kapasitas produksinya sebesar 5 kali dari kapasitas produksi sekarang yaitu 450 l/detik. Dimana investasi di dalam membangun prasarana infrastruktut itu cukup mahal dan memerlukan biaya produksi yang tinggi," kata Bupati Subang dalam sambutannya pada hari pelanggan dan pemeran sarana air bersih sederhana berbasis gotong royong di Gedung Graha Sofia Subang, Jumat (14/1) kemarin.

English Translation

To fill the Clean Masyarakat Requirement for Water

Subang, (PR).-
the Subang Regent Drs. Eep the Guidance acknowledged PDAM of the service that was given by PDAM Kab. Subang to fill the clean requirement for water still not all that. This matter was caused by the shortage of the production capacity that was owned PDAM. To increase the capacity to 5 times from the current capacity needed the cost that quite high. The "service scope at the moment just 37% of the inhabitants to the service territory, where to fill on the whole PDAM must increase his production capacity of 5 times from the current production capacity that is 450 l/the second." Where investment inside built the infrastructure infrastruktut that quite expensive and needed the cost of the high production, said the Subang Regent in his address in the customer's day and the clean actor of water means simple based carried royong in the House Building Sofia Subang, Friday yesterday (14/1).

Menurutnya, ada korelasi antara sumber air dengan kelestarian lingkungan dimana bila kita mengabaikan aspek-aspek pemeliharaan dan eksploitasi terhadap sumber daya air maka kelestarian lingkugan tidak akan terwujud.

Dikatakannya, pada tahun 2004 PDAM Subang sudah meningkatkan jumlah pelanggan sejak awal berdiri sebanyak 4.900 pelanggan dan kini meningkat menjadi 20.500 pelanggan yang tersebar di 16 kecamatan.

Ia mengakui saat ini ada lima kecamatan di Kab. Subang yaitu Kecamatan Pabuaran, Cipeundeuy, Cikaum, Patokbeusi dan Tanjungsiang yang belum menikmati air bersih. Untuk itu, pihak pemerintah daerah bersama PDAM berupaya melakukan pencarian dana bantuan ke pemerintah pusat dan provinsi maupun menjalin kemitraan dengan swasta.

Subang utara

Direktur Utama PDAM Kab. Subang H. Dedy Pujasumedi P mengatakan kapasitas air bersih yang berasal dari mata air maupun air bawah tanah dan air permukaan yang mempunyai debit cukup dan berkualitas, namun airnya relatif sedikit. Sedangkan sungai, mata air dan air sumur dalam telah mengalami penurunan dari segi kualitas. Dengan adanya masalah seperti itu, pihaknya mengharapkan kepada masyarakat agar lebih mempertahankan kelestarian dan kebersihan lingkungan sesuai dengan program yang sedang digalakkan menuju Subang sehat 2008.

Pihaknya mengakui khususnya kepada pelanggan yang berada di Subang utara belum memenuhi pelayanan maksimal 24 jam, mengingat biaya operasi cukup tinggi dan sudah memperkirakan pula ketersediaan air.

Meskipun demikian lanjutnya, untuk pengembangan bagi masyarakat pelanggan di Subang utara, telah dilaksanakan penambahan kapasitas sebanyak 50 liter/detik di lokasi Desa Binong melalui sumber irigasi tarum timur di titik BTT 43 dengan sistem pengolahan lengkap. "Direncanakan pelayanan untuk tahun 2005 sambungan rumah melalui swadaya PDAM sebanyak 700 unit untuk Desa Bongas, Rancahilir, Pamanukan Kota, Mulyasari, Lengkongjaya, Bobos dan Desa Karangmulya Kec.Legong kulon dan hidran umum sebanyak 30 unit," katanya.

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Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Kematian Ikan di 3 Waduk Kian Parah (The death of the Fish in 3 reservoirs Increasingly Serious)

Source: Pikiran Rakyat

Kematian ikan dalam jumlah besar yang selalu terjadi sepanjang tahun di Waduk Saguling, Cirata, dan Jatiluhur, memaksa pemerintah pusat turun tangan untuk bekerja sama dengan Australian Centre for International Agriculture Research (Pusat Penelitian Pertanian Australia untuk Internasional - ACIAR). Pasalnya, penurunan pasokan ikan bisa berakibat fatal, seperti menimbulkan generasi IQ jongkok (intelektual rendah). Demikian dikatakan Kepala Dinas Peternakan dan Perikanan (Disnakkan) Kab. Bandung, Ir. Ernawan Mustika, di kantornya, Selasa (11/1). "Kematian ikan di ketiga waduk itu terutama Saguling dan Cirata sangat tinggi baik di musim kemarau, pancaroba, maupun hujan. Adapun kematian ikan di Jatiluhur lebih sedikit karena airnya sudah tersaring lebih dahulu di Saguling dan Cirata," katanya.

English Translation

Bandung, (PR).-
the Death of the fish in large quantities that always happened year round in the Saguling Reservoir, Cirata, and Jatiluhur, forced the government of the centre to intervene to co-operate with Australian Centre for International Agriculture Research (the Australian Centre of the agricultural Research to International - ACIAR). His article, the decline in fish supplies could result in fatal, as causing the IQ generation jongkok (the low intellectual). Was like this it was said the Livestock Breeding Section Head and fisheries (Disnakkan) Kab.Bandung, Ir. Ernawan Mustika, in his office, Tuesday (11/1). The "death of the fish in the three reservoirs especially Saguling and Cirata very high both in the dry season, pancaroba, and rain." Adapun of the death of the fish in Jatiluhur more seldom has because of his water been refined beforehand in Saguling and Cirata, he said.

Berdasarkan hal itu, menurut Ernawan, pemerintah pusat (Departemen Kelautan dan Perikanan) dan ACIAR sudah sepakat untuk mengkaji secara menyeluruh ketiga waduk tersebut sejak 1 Desember 2004 lalu hingga 2007 mendatang. "Kerusakan ketiga waduk itu tidak hanya mengancam wilayah regional saja, tetapi juga nasional," katanya.

Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan, katanya, sejak 3 Oktober 2002 melalui keputusan No. Kep.40/Men/2002 menetapkan Pulau Jawa dan Bali sebagai daerah terjangkit penyakit koi herves virus pada ikan mas dan koi (satu famili dengan ikan mas). "Padahal, 3 bulan sebelumnya yaitu Juli 2002, baru Pulau Jawa saja yang dinyatakan terjangkit," katanya.

Malah, katanya, penyakit itu saat ini sudah menyebar ke Sumatra, Kalimantan, dan Sulawesi. "Artinya, penyakit itu harus segera ditangani termasuk di Saguling, Cirata, dan Jatiluhur. Jangan sampai terus meluas," katanya.

Ia menjelaskan, kematian yang sangat tingggi disebabkan faktor kerusakan lingkungan, virus, dan arus balik. "Sebagai contoh, ikan mati oleh limbah di saat kemarau, mati oleh virus saat musim hujan, dan oleh arus balik ketika musim pancaroba. Bencana itu terus berulang setiap tahunnya," katanya.

Arus balik

Ernawan mengakui, kematian terbanyak biasanya terjadi saat arus balik. "Ketika hujan mulai turun, air di permukaan menjadi dingin sedangkan di dasar waduk tetap hangat. Perbedaan berat jenis menyebabkan air di dasar waduk yang bersuhu hangat naik ke atas sedangkan di permukaan turun. Padahal, air di dasar waduk itu penuh endapan limbah dan miskin oksigen sehingga kematian ikan dalam jumlah besar tak terhindarkan," katanya.

Bila terus dibiarkan, dikhawatirkan bakal terjadi kekurangan pasokan ikan, terutama bagi masyarakat di Cekungan Bandung. "Padahal, kualitas daging ikan merupakan yang terbaik dibandingkan lauk pauk lainya. Jadi, bukan mustahil, andaikan kematian ikan terus dibiarkan bakal menimbulkan satu generasi ber-IQ jongkok," katanya.

Dikatakan, rekomendasi penelitian pemerintah pusat dan ACIAR itu harus ditindaklanjuti oleh Pemprov Jabar dan pemerintah kabupaten tempat ketiga waduk itu berada. "Pemkab Bandung akan pro aktif untuk terus memantau setiap perkembangan penelitian, sehingga bisa langsung menindaklanjutinya tanpa perlu menunggu penelitian tuntas pada 2007 mendatang," katanya.

Sementara itu, Kepala Subdinas Penyebaran dan Perkembangan Disnakkan, Ir. H. M. Sudarwo, M.M., mengatakan penelitian kelak akan membahas berbagai hal termasuk kapasitas maksimal kolam jaring apung (KJA) di ketiga waduk tersebut. "Pasalnya merebaknya KJA yang terjadi seperti sekarang sangat besar pengaruhnya bagi kematian ikan," katanya.

Sudarwo mengatakan, jumlah KJA di Saguling mencapai 7.272 petak atau kelebihan sekira 4.000 petak dari jumlah ideal 3.000 hingga 3.500 petak sedangkan di Cirata mencapai sekira 39.000 petak atau kelebihan 27.000 petak dari jumlah ideal 12.000 petak. "Adapun jumlah ideal KJA di Jatiluhur hanya sekira 2.100 petak. Jatiluhur harus sedikit karena airnya digunakan sebagai air minum untuk warga Jakarta dan Bekasi," katanya.

Dijelaskan, pakan ikan yang mengendap di dasar waduk dan sudah membusuk akan naik ke permukaan air ketika terjadi arus balik. "Akibatnya, ikan pun keracunan dan akhirnya mati. Karena itu, pembatasan jumlah KJA merupakan suatu keharusan agar kematian ikan bisa diminimalkan," katanya.

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Tuesday, January 11, 2005

PDAM Minta Restrukturisasi Utang RDI Dipercepat (PDAM asks for restructuring of debt to be sped up)

Source: Kompas

Jakarta, Kompas - Sebanyak 167 Perusahaan Air Minum Daerah, yang tergabung dalam Persatuan Perusahaan Air Minum Seluruh Indonesia, mendesak Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kalla mempercepat penyelesaian restrukturisasi utang Rekening Dana Investasi yang kini tertunggak di PDAM. Total utang Rekening Dana Investasi (RDI) yang dimiliki 167 PDAM mencapai Rp 5,3 triliun yang berasal dari pinjaman luar negeri pemerintah yang diteruspinjamkan ke PDAM untuk pengembangan dan peningkatan kinerja perusahaan.

English Translation

Jakarta, Kompas - As Many As 167 companies of the regional Drinking Water, that were bundled into all the Indonesian Association of the Drinking Water Company, urged Vice President Jusuf Kalla to speed up the resolution of the restructuring of the debt of the Account of the Investment Fund that currently tertunggak in PDAM. The total debt of the Account of the Investment Fund (RDI) that was had by 167 PDAM reached Rp 5,3 trillion that came from the foreign loan of the government that diteruspinjamkan to PDAM for the development and the increase in the achievement of the company.

Demikian diungkapkan Ketua Umum DPP Persatuan Perusahaan Air Minum Seluruh Indonesia (Perpamsi) Ridwan Syahputra Musagani pada pembukaan rapat kerja nasional (rakernas) di hadapan Wapres, Senin (10/1) di Istana Wapres, Jakarta.

"Kami mohon kiranya penyelesaian utang ini dapat terlaksana dalam tempo dua tahun agar kemampuan PDAM secara keseluruhan dapat ditingkatkan, khususnya dalam mempertahankan dan memacu pelayanan dalam pencapaian target Millennium Development Goal (MDG)," ujar Ridwan.

Wapres yang diminta pendapatnya seusai membuka rakernas mengatakan, pemerintah masih harus melihat satu per satu kinerja dari tiap PDAM. "Ada PDAM yang efisien dan ada yang tidak. Itu yang masih harus dilihat. Pemerintah hingga kini masih terus mengerjakan penyelesaian restrukturisasinya," ujarnya.

Mengenai skema penyertaan modal pemerintah (PMP) dan hair cut, menurut Wapres seperti dikutip Ridwan, sebenarnya sudah ada PDAM yang berstatus PMP. Namun, hair cut masih harus dilihat lagi.

Tahap pertama

Penyelesaian restrukturisasi utang RDI tahap pertama sudah diprioritaskan pemerintah pada 30 PDAM dengan nilai utang sekitar Rp 600 miliar. "Tahap pertama dari lima tahap yang kita minta, sudah 30 PDAM yang akan diselesaikan dalam 100 hari kerja Kabinet Indonesia Bersatu," ujar Ridwan.

Ridwan mengharapkan pemerintah, dalam hal ini Departemen Keuangan, dapat menyelesaikan percepatan restrukturisasi utang PDAM dalam lima tahap selama dua tahun.

"Satu tahapan penyelesaian diperkirakan bisa membutuhkan waktu tiga hingga empat bulan. Kalau dalam 24 bulan, kita perkirakan nantinya akan membutuhkan lima tahapan untuk penyelesaian utang 167 PDAM itu," kata Ridwan.

Diakui Ridwan, agar modal PDAM meningkat, sebenarnya sudah ada komitmen Bank Dunia dan lembaga lain untuk memberikan pinjaman 100 juta dollar AS. Namun, Bank Dunia minta restrukturisasi utang diselesaikan dulu. Perpamsi beranggotakan 306 PDAM, terdiri dari pabrikan, konsultan, dan penyalur air minum.

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Monday, January 10, 2005

Banjir Cileuncang (Cileuncang flood)

Source: Pikiran Rakyat

SEORANG anggota polantas mengatur arus lalu lintas yang tersendat akibat banjir cileuncang yang disebabkan hujan deras yang mengguyur kawasan Bandung Timur di Jalan Soekarno Hatta sekira 1 km arah timur sebelum bundaran Cibiru, Sabtu (8/1). Kurang berfungsinya saluran pembuangan air di sejumlah lokasi di jalan ini membuat air setinggi ban kerap menggenangi jalan ini.*DUDI SUGANDI/"PR"

English Translation

A of traffic police's members arranged the flow of the stagnant traffic resulting from the flood cileuncang that was caused by heavy rain that splashed the Bandung region East in the Soekarno Hatta Road approximately 1 km the east direction before the Cibiru roundabout, Saturday (8/1). Not all that the functioning of the water sewerage system in several locations in this road to make water be as high as the tyre often flooded this road.

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Sunday, January 09, 2005

PT MS Water to provide expert water/sanitation panelist at Indonesian Infrastructure Summit

John Caporn, Director Technical, PT MS Water, has been invited to be a water/sanitation panelist at the forthcoming Indonesian Infrastructure Summit on


This summit will be held January 17-18, 2005 in Jakarta, Indonesia.

During the summit there will be break-out sessions in which "Policy Reform and Priority Infrastructure Projects for Private Participation" will be discussed, focussing on the key areas of :

Toll Roads
Water and Sanitation

The Indonesian Government plans to invite at least 500 potential local and foreign investors to the Infrastructure Summit in January, where it will unveil a framework for planned infrastructure projects over the next five years.

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Thursday, January 06, 2005

Tim Ahli Perkuat Penolakan Swastanisasi Pengelolaan Air (Expert reinforces refusal of privitisation of water management)

Source: Investor Daily Online


Sidang pleno I Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) tentang judicial review UU No 7 tahun 2004 tentang Sumber Daya Air (SDA), Rabu (5/1) di Jakarta, memperkuat penolakan swastanisasi pengelolaan air minum.

Hal itu terungkap dari penjelasan dua ahli dari Malaysia dan Filipina.

Sistem swatanisasi air (komersialisasi air) semakin menjauhkan air dari masyarakat kurang mampu. Air harus tetap dikelola oleh pemerintah atau badan yang secara khusus menangani pengelolaan air.

"Air tidak boleh dijadikan sebagai barang dagangan, tetapi hendaknya pengelolaan bersifat tidak berorientasi keuntungan tetapi dana yang diperoleh dari konsesi diinfestasikan kembali pada infrastruktur," papar Charles Santiago, Tim Ahli dari Malaysia, dalam persidangan yang dipimpin Ketua Hakim Jimly Ashidiqi.

English Translation


The plenary session i the Constitution Court (MK) about judicial review UU No 7 2004 about Water resources (SDA), Wednesday (5/1) in Jakarta, reinforced the refusal of privatisation of the drinking water management.

That was expressed from the explanation of two experts from Malaysia and the Philippines.

The system swatanisasi water (the commercialisation of water) increasingly kept away water from the community not more well-off. Water must continue to be managed by the government or the body that specially handled the water management.

"Water might not be made the merchandise thing, but preferably the management was not oriented towards the profit but the fund that was received from the concession diinfestasikan came to the infrastructure back," explained Charles Santiago, Expert Tim from Malaysia, in the meeting that was led by the Chairman Justice Jimly Ashidiqi.

Santiago mencotohkan, di Penang, Malaysia pengelolaan air diserahkan kepada sebuah otorita khusus. Tidak ada intervensi dari manapun, termasuk dari pemerintah. Namun, untuk menjaga kualitas diperlukan sikap masyarakat yang kritis tentang pengelolaan air tersebut. "Dalam penentuan kebijakan selalu melibatkan lembaga sosial. Lembaga tersebutlah yang memberikan masukan," papar Santiago.

Dengan kenyataan tersebut otoritas dapat mengurangi tingkat kehilangan air hingga 18%, serta mencapai efisiensi 99%. Bahkan, hingga saat ini Dewan Air di Malaysia berhasil menyisihkan keutungan 117 juta ringgit sebagai cadangan yang akan diinvestasikan kembali. "Terbukti dari survei di 40 kota dalam 28 negara, tarif terendah diberikan oleh otoritas Malaysia," kata Santiago.

Ia juga memberi contoh kasus di Bolivia. Pendistribusian air di negara tersebut sangat bergantung pada sikap kritis kelompok masyarakat. Semua pengelolaan air dilakukan secara transparan. Baik pemerintah, pengelola dan masyarakat. "Hal ini juga patut diperhatikan, dengan semakin terbuka dapat menghindarkan praktik korupsi," jelasnya.

Santiago memberi contoh lain. Menurut dia, di India perorangan dapat mengusai lahan di kali. Masyarakat setempat tidak terlalu mengindahkan konversi alamnya karena perhatian terhadap alam merupakan tugas dari pemerintah. "Yang jelas dengan komersialisasi air berarti yang dapat membeli saja yang mendapatkan air. Dan masyarakat kurang mampu tidak memiliki hak atas air yang sama," jelas dia.

Sementara itu, Ana Mae B Dolleton, Tim Ahli dari Filipina mengatakan, swatanisasi air di Filipina semakin menjauhkan hak harapan kebutuhan air masyarakat kurang mampu. Harga tarif air di Filipina, jelas dia, berkisar 3.000-5.000 Peso. Dan hanya masyarakat tertentu saja yang dapat membeli. Sedangkan masyarakat kurang mampu harus rela mencari alternatif lain.

Tidak hanya itu, lanjut dia, dengan adanya pengelolaan air swasta berarti hanya mengedepankan layanan kepada konsumennya saja, tidak kepada masyarakat umum. Perusahaan menjadi semakin tertutup dari akses data masyarakat. "Kalau mutu ditingkatkan otomatis tarif akan dinaikkan dan pelayanan juga tidak berubah lebih baik," tutur dia.


Sidang pleno I MK Rabu, menurut Jimmly Ashidiqi selaku Ketua Tim Hakim MK dalam perkara tersebut, tetap meneruskan adanya masukan keterangan dari penggugat.

Jimmly menegaskan, kedua ahli tersebut tidak dihadirkan sebagai saksi ahli. Melainkan sebagai ahli pengelolaan air.

Sidang pleno kali ini merupakan lanjutan sidang panel satu dan dua pada Desember 2004.

Sebelum memutuskan judicial review terhadap UU SDA, hakim MK juga akan mendengar pendapat pemerintah dan dipekirakan membutuhkan sidang pleno sekali lagi.

Judicial review terhadap UU SDA dilakukan oleh Yayasan Wahana Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia (Walhi) dan beberapa organisasi lainnya serta juga lebih dari 800 individu. Walhi, yang mewakili sekitar 16 organisasi, mengharapkan UU No. 7 Tahun 2004 tentang SDA segera dicabut.

Beberapa organisasi meminta agar pasal-pasal dalam UU No. 7 Tahun 2004 yang mengatur mengenai kesempatan pengusahaan air oleh swasta dihapuskan.

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